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Where do I find this setting in 8207 I cant seem to find i...

Debra Waybright

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Right click on the adapter icon, select change settings then select the Read/Write Optimization drop down:


image.png1879698 126 KB


I dont think Ive ever changed this setting.

Did you obtain a recommendation/suggestion to change it

Has anyone else reset the FETCHSIZE setting and obtained good results

Thanks for bring this topic up, Debra.

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I found a posting of mine from a couple of years ago about it as I was searching for more ideas regarding performance. We are still struggling with our 8207 upgrade. I have a report that runs in less than a minute in 8203 but takes 10 minutes in 8207, hitting the same database. Im just not sure whats going on so Im grasping all the straws.

Thanks for finding that. We bumped it to 1000 and it doesnt seem to have made a difference.

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Oh, OK, then maybe someone like your DBA Team can tell you how one or the other database servers are different.

Maybe database release Database settings Network traffic to/from one of the db servers faster then the other Catalogue differences, e.g., index created on one instance, and not the other

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