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David Briars

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David Briars last won the day on July 20

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  1. Our reporting data warehouse is migrating from Oracle to PostgreSQL. Our reporting application is mostly TABLEing views and reporting via Excel formatted reports. Has anyone worked with a migration like this before and can share any challenges encountered on the reporting application side?
  2. Exactly correct: the output for the tree is from an AJAX query request returning data from a WebFOCUS RESTful call- 'IBIRS_action=get'. Excellent ideas to check if it is specific workspaces causing the issue. I will check. Thank you Clayton.
  3. Thank you for your ideas of things to try/think about Patrick. (The portal in this case is the older BIP.)
  4. Here is a further description of a 'FOC32447': Sounds like more of a warning regarding using the name 'MINUTES'. You could test, and change the column name to something like 'CASE_MINUTES' and see if the warning goes away.
  5. Our site has a BIP, and related JavaScript/jQuery code, built by a consultant about three years ago. The BIP has a container that calls a fex in the repository. The fex in the repository creates a tree style menu structure of report fexes that could be run. The tree is created with JavaScript and jQuery within the -HTMLFORM construct. At some point the tree stopped fully rendering, upon clicking on the top level, in Chrome, for some users. The tree does render and is clickable in Edge for all users. Has anyone seen anything like this and have any ideas? F12 Dev Tools isn't showing any errors. The BIP would have been built with our current release 8207.
  6. Wow! Looks like a full day of information building. Looking forward to attending.
  7. If you put something specific in the 'Subject:' like '[URGENT]' can: your MS Outlook server team do something like set the importance if it sees '[URGENT]' in the 'Subject:'? your MS Outlook users create a rule, moving anything with '[URGENT]' to a certain folder?
  8. Thanks for your comments, David. I am on release 8207. Yep, my expectation is that the mouse cursor would change to a <-||-> pointer and then I would be able to change the column width. I wonder if there is a way to change the width in 8207?
  9. On a portal page, I would like to extend the width of the 'Title' column, because I see ellipsis, and know that there is more title goodness to see. I would like to decrease the width of the 'Summary' column, because there is only teeny weeny 'Summary' text there. When I cursor over the columns titles I can control sort order. And I see no way to control column width.
  10. Take a look at the NOSPLIT option of the BY command: {ON|BY} fieldname NOSPLIT
  11. Thanks for the update, Paul. I signed up for the Chicago session just a moment ago.
  12. Using the WebFOCUS Client REST Adapter worked perfectly! Thank you very much for your support and suggestion.
  13. Thank you Paul. Works perfectly now. I ❤️ibi documentation!
  14. I am using the following 'listUsersFromGroup' RESTful web service: http://server:port/ibi_apps/rs?IBIRS_path=/SSYS/GROUPS/TopGroup/MiddleGroup&IBIRS_action=listUsersFromGroup&IBIRS_service=ibfs In the resulting XML I see the users assigned to the 'MiddleGroup' group. The 'MiddleGroup' group has two descendent groups: 'childgroup1' and 'childgroup2'. How do I augment the web service call (or what else can I do) so that I obtain users assigned to both 'childgroup1' and 'childgroup2'? I do not want to render two separate calls b/c in my actual case I have many childgroups. I am on WF version 8207.
  15. Oh... it is the 'listResGroups' action that I need to use, not the 'listResUsers'. Once I get the groups from 'listResGroups', I then get the users from the 'getUsersFromGroup' action. So, the RESTful Web Services Test Page is working fine for me. Looks like the 'Test Page' is documented in the 'Embedded Business Intelligence Users Guide'. Thank you again Clayton!
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