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Creating Standard Reports in WF 9.3 Designer
This video provides a basic overview of Standard Report creation using WebFOCUS 9.3 Designer. Geared towards new users, it demonstrates core features and techniques for building and formatting tabular reports. Key topics include column selection and creation, content styling, header and footer implementation, and automatic drill-down functionality. 


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Analyst Award Announcement!!!
🏆 We have been recognized as an Experience and Trust Leader in the Dresner Advisory Services 2024 Industry Excellence Awards! 🏆 As always, we are grateful for our phenomenal customer base and look forward to continuing to build alongside you and offer exceptional products. Read more in the full press release here. 
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Rule Based Alerts with ReportCaster Schedules
If you’re familiar with scheduling in ReportCaster, then you probably know that there are a lot of recurrence options you can use to send your content at regular intervals with a variety of time-based options. For example, you can send your content every week, every 2 weeks, or every Tuesday and Friday. What you may not know, however, is that you can also schedule those items to send more dynamically using an alert. An alert tests for certain conditions in a report, so when a schedule running against that alert is run, if the alert test fails, then the report won’t send. This allows you to schedule your content to send more dynamically based on changes or key thresholds in your data, so when you receive an email or other distribution from ReportCaster, you know it has new or important information in it.

The following video shows how to create an alert test based on a filtered report, how to schedule the alert, and what happens if the alert passes or fails.
Have you tried alerts before in other scenarios, or do you have questions about the capabilities of alerts? Let us know in the comments!

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