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Big news: ibi platform launch
BIG announcement! We are thrilled to announce the release of the new ibi™ platform offerings–simplified to reduce complexity and optimized to deliver maximum value for ibi customers: ibi™ Mainframe, ibi™  Analytics, and ibi™ Data Intelligence. These new offerings bring ibi’s industry-leading products into an unlimited model–unlimited users, usage, and environments. This shift to unlimited ibi platform offerings is a landmark event for ibi users everywhere, as with it, the possibilities for our customers’ success also become
unlimited. Read more in this blog from ibi VP, Vijay Raman: https://www.ibi.com/blog/announcing-the-ibi-platform
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Introduction to Data Flows in Designer
Before you can create your charts and reports in Designer, you need data to report against.  Often, you can use a single Master File to provide data for your content, but at other times, this data may be broken up into multiple data sources that could be used together for further insights.  This is where the data tab comes in.  In this video, I'll show an example of how to create a union and a join, select and calculate fields to facilitate the flow, and generate a HOLD file.  Whether you've used the join and HOLD file options in InfoAssist or App Studio and want to see how it's done in Designer, or you're new to the Data tab, this video provides a high-level example of the data prep process.If you want to skip ahead to a particular step, you can use the timestamps below:

Reviewing Data - 1:50

Opening Designer - 4:10

Creating a Union - 4:47

Creating a Join - 7:25

Generating a HOLD File from a data flow - 10:02

Checking the data flow results by creating a chart - 12:11

Check out the video below, and feel free to ask any questions in the comment section!


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WebFOCUS Data Science - “Instant insights"
In today's fast-paced business landscape, the ability to derive actionable insights from data quickly is paramount. Data scientists and analysts are tasked with the challenge of turning vast amounts of information into valuable insights that drive strategic decision-making. In this article, we'll explore how WebFOCUS, a leading business intelligence and analytics platform, empowers users to gain insights through its robust feature name “Instant Insights”

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Migrate WebFOCUS from Oracle Java to OpenJDK
After Oracle announced that their Java release wouldn’t be free anymore for production environments, several customers wanted to get rid of it and started using OpenJDK packages instead. ibi already moved on the same path and we started using OpenJDK in our products a few releases ago (even we went back to Oracle in the latest versions).
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