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Shay Bagwell

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  1. HOT OFF THE PRESS... The Chicago Summit Agenda is LIVE! Head over to the ibi website and take a peek at what we will be delivering at our upcoming Chicago Summit. This event will feature two tracks covering Analytics and Mainframe. You don't want to miss this event. Seats are limited, grab yours today! Register for Chicago Summit
  2. ReportCaster scheduling and distribution has long been a cornerstone of WebFOCUS, and the introduction of WF 9.3 brought a fresh new user interface to enhance its functionality. Join our experts on June 26th and come discover: New interfaces of ReportCaster schedules, distribution lists, and access lists Notable experience changes Additional new features Plus a first look at the updated ReportCaster Explorer view REGISTER TODAY!
  3. It’s time for another FOCUS Friday! We have an exciting bill of topics prepared for you this month. Join Walter Brengel, Renee Teatro and Mark Nesson on June 21st to hear all about this month's topics. We will be covering: Drilling into Designer Are you aware of all that Designer has to offer in terms of drilling capabilities? Let's drill into such features Auto Drill, Drill Anywhere, and creating drilldown links to content within Designer Visualizations. Intro to Load Simulator/Stress Testing If you have large scale applications running in WebFOCUS you may need to run tests to see what will happen when your systems have many queries running. Join us to learn different techniques to do Load Simulation and Stress Testing. Mainframe FOCUS Installation Planning on upgrading your ibi FOCUS Mainframe on your IBM Z platform? Join us to see the walkthrough of a typical installation. REGISTER TODAY!
  4. We are in the process of planning our 2024 marketing activities for you- please provide your input to ensure a schedule of content you want to see!
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