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Hello fellow WF users. I know we are in unusual times. We mi...

robert fuschetto

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Hello fellow WF users.

I know we are in unusual times. We miss the SUMMIT meetings in person as I am sure you do. Is anyone else concerned about the lack of WF stuff on TIBCO NOW Its nice seeing the other products TIBCO has to offer but we really miss our 3 - 4 day WF sessions toonow more than ever as the product is changing so much. Anyone think perhaps the IBI summit should be reinstated

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I did some checking and found out next years event will be onsite (in Vegas) and WebFOCUS will have more sessions, customer speakers and education. In the meantime, were putting together an outreach plan to include a series of practical, how to sessions so customers can better understand how to actually use all of the cool features that were mentioned in the session.
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