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Todd Van Valkenburg

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  1. I played with SCROLLHEIGHT=AUTO as well as other values that but did not help. That is the default setting when using InfoAssist. Thanks for the suggestions though.
  2. David - yes, HFREEZE=ON. The scrollbar does go away for the short reports if I turn this OFF. However, I would prefer this to be ON and not have the scroll bar so that the user can see the grand totals without scrolling. Any other options? Or is this an enhancement request? Thank you.
  3. The portal page consists of one html document created using AppStudio. The html document has an iframe and when the report is run, the output is directed to this iframe. The size of the iframe is large enough to display the width and length of the report. However, there is a vertical scroll bar that appears no matter the length of the report. Below is an image where you can see there is a lot of white space below the end of the report. The iframe border is visible. What I have tried: In the fex, I tried changing this: ON TABLE SET AUTOFIT OFF to ON TABLE SET AUTOFIT ON but this did not help and actually added a horizontal scroll bar which was even less useful. Do you know if there is a setting(s) in AppStudio that can alter this behavior? Thank you. Todd
  4. FYI. Attaching a fex that may help others get started to create a csv list of all active users and the group memberships that works with the ibi import utility that is run from the Security Center. Use at your own risk 😉 This fex opens in InfoAssist with the exception of the output type of COM (IA will revert to HTML output when opened). Also, our application directory is called WEBFOCUS which connects to our Oracle repository DB. This should work for security group hierarchy up to 4 levels deep. Since the import script ignores users that already exists, the sequence that I am trying to get all users and groups and group memberships and rules and workspace content copied from Prod to Test is to 1) pause the Report Caster scheduler on the Test system; 2) delete users from Test environment (not adminstrators); 3) delete repo workspaces from Test environment using Manager Mode; 4) export individual workspace from Production using CM; 5) and import this workspace using CM into Test with all options set to add/update and add/replace (note that this step creates the security groups but does not assign users to groups); 6) run a script on the Test repo Oracle DB to set active schedules to inactive; 7) Using the fex mentioned here, mass import users and group memberships; 8 when ready, un-pause the Report Caster scheduler on the Test system. For what it is worth. Todd create_user_import_csv.txt
  5. Hi Patrick, Thank you. However, since the requirement of the import csv file is one row per user, the security group list needs to be built in a way so that all groups are listed separated by a semicolon. Also, our group hierarchy may run a few levels deep (parentgroup/childgroup1/childgroup2 ). e.g. Here is an actual example of a group list formatted for the import csv : FinancialAid/AdvancedUsers;ITAdmin/AccessLetter;Student/AdvancedUsers;Student/CareerOutcomesDashboard;graduateschool/SAIS;hr/Campus/SAIS Wondering if you got that piece of the script to work and can share it. Thanks again! Todd
  6. Hi Patrick, Yes, I would like to see an example of your script that is used to export/import users. I am starting to look at the UOA_GROUPS, UOA_USERS, and UOA_GROUPSUSERS tables. Thanks! Todd
  7. In the security administration manual, I see that I can create a csv of all users. I will see if I can make this method work.
  8. I would like to synchronize our test environment with our prod environment. Both environments 9.2. Using Change Management, I can export/import Groups, Workspace content, Rules over from Prod to Test. However, what I am lacking are the users and group memberships. Is these a method to copy these over to Test as well? I am not finding options to do this using Change Management. Thank you.
  9. We ran into this as well. Only affected a few simple/older portals. I created a case and ibi responded that it is fixed in WebFOCUS® 9.2.3 HF-011. Also ibi mentioned that they will not provide a hotfix for 9.2.2. The only workaround that I came up with is to add default values to the fex's (it can be any value). However, they are not hidden so users are confused by them since they come up as required prompts. -DEFAULTH &WF_STYLE_HEIGHT='1'; -DEFAULTH &WF_STYLE_WIDTH='1'; -DEFAULTH &WF_STYLE_UNITS='1'; Todd
  10. It would be helpful to have a report set up that displays all the global and session variables that active for their session. Looking at Focal Point, I see that you can issue the command -? & which will list out all the variables and values. However, it is nor formatted properly and some longer variable names are truncated. E.g. &&STUDENT_MTU>= Michigan Technological University The correct/entire global variable name is actually -SET &&STUDENT_MTU_TITLE='Michigan Technological University'; Is there a better method? Thanks!
  11. Wow. Thank you! Let me "play" with what you have to see if I can make sense of it. I really appreciate it! I am not familiar with the "TO ALL" in your joins and the MAX(DISTCOUNTER, LAST RUNDC) so that will be interesting to check out as well.
  12. I have a requirement to create report with distinct counts by date. But the distinct count is a running count (the population increases as the dates increase). Perhaps easier to explain visually. So given a data set of customer and date like: Date Customer 12/01/2024 A 12/01/2024 B 12/01/2024 A 12/01/2024 A 12/01/2024 A 12/02/2024 C 12/02/2024 C 12/02/2024 A 12/02/2024 A 12/02/2024 A 12/03/2024 B 12/03/2024 B 12/03/2024 B 12/03/2024 B 12/03/2024 B What I would be looking for, as a start, is a report like this: Date Running Customer Distinct Count 12/01/2024 2 12/02/2024 3 12/03/2024 3 Notes: 12/1 has 2 distinct customers A, B 12/1-12/2 has 3 distinct customers A, B, C 12/1-12/3 has 3 distinct customers A, B, C I hope my question makes sense.
  13. Thanks again. I just tested & verified that I can use Access Control to restrict a table (no list access) to specific individual while not affecting others.
  14. Thanks Patrick. I haven't tried this but a couple questions to clarify. If UserA should not have access to wf_retail_big.mas, then I would create the PTHUserA as a basic user, then add this mas/acx file (and only this file) and make sure read & write & execute & list are unchecked. Questions: 1) For all the other mas/acx files, is it correct that I would not have to list them since this would be impossible to maintain; 2) Is it correct that I don't need to create the basic user for all the other users (all InfoAssist users that are not UserA)?
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