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Has anyone tried searching for help on the new support site....

Warren Hinchliffe

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I will be honest I have not really used the new site yet. I asked my boss and he said goto knowledge base and under the filters search for product suite TIBCO ibi. That will isolate your searches from there. I just tried it and seems to work. If there are more soecific questions please post them and I will get help
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I just logged in again to see whats in here.

I found a list of my cases prominently displayed, but when you click on the View More at the bottom - no cases show up.

However - if I click on an individual case from the first screen - THEN go to the View More - I see that case. The View More a 'Recents kind of list.

In fact, if you click on the top left Cases - youll come that same, (for me empty) page. Apparently the only place to see your old cases will be on the Home Screen. If I dont find an easier way to see our old cases, Ill try opening a new case asking for the Cases link to show me my old cases after listing my new or Recent ones.

Ill keep nosing around. I was one of the testers of IBIs IRL (info repsonse live) when I was working support at IBI. It was sure a step up from Hottrack.


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So I found a way to locate your old cases.

Go to Knowledge Base and itll open up All Content.

When that populates, you can not only see your old cases, but maybe more handy is that it shows you the 2 boxes Chuck was talking about checking (Tibco IBI and Tibco Support).

I just tried to upload a screenshot so you could see my page, but no luck uploading to myibi right now.

Anyway, my plan is to check these boxes and then search.

This may be the default thing I do to search for things - go to your Cases and check the boxes, then search.

Did we lose the ability to upload screenshots to myibi

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One good thing Ill say is that the search engine is super fast! Another thing I like is the Quick View option.

Historically, what worked best for me was to search everything first using the little box at the top right of techsupport.

Then when I get my list, I frequently would ask to sort the answers by Type. this let me break out manuals from Focal Point posts or SPSs.

Tibco will list the Types, but only when you click on Articles instead of All Content. So for now I guess I would bounce over to Articles if Im trying to locate a manual.

Speaking of manuals, a wish list item for me would be to put Manuals under the Docs link. Presently thats empty.

Also - I do make use of a few old techmemos. I didnt see where those have gone

Im sure internally, IBI techsupport people are also sending feedback to whoever is running the new site. I suspect its Tibco people and it works well for their products. Things like Manuals should be on the Docs page - that might fix itself after a while as our Manuals start really being in the Tibco library of docs.

We should strive to make the Tibco Support site work like we want it to - in the meantime, not that this will always work, but you can go looking with Google to see what you can find like this:

clm setup site:informationbuilders.com

I found some CLM setup info that way. This will probably quit working over time as the information gets old.

Just change the site to tibco.com if you want to search only for things that end with tibco.com.

(thanks for Martin and Chuck on the image upload being worked on).

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Thanks Chuck!

So heres the image of how to search in Tibcos Knowledge Base for IBI info


image.png920794 48.9 KB


Check the box and you get this:


image.png899561 43.3 KB


Notice the File Types on the left. Thatll help some in narrowing down to manuals.

If you click on Articles, you get some more choices on the left which is simply titled Type


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Lastly, to see your cases youve opened (or maybe cases for everyone using your Site Code), you click Cases here - or you will see a partial list on the Home page:


image.png1018560 33.1 KB


Hope that helps. Havent opened a new case, so I cant speak to that.

Also you can see how the Docs link would be nice to refer to manuals. That link is presently empty:


image.png916398 22.8 KB

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ou can not only see your old cases, but maybe more handy is that it shows you the 2 boxes Chuck was talking about checking (Tibco IBI and Tibco Support).

I just tried to upload a screenshot so you could see my page, but no luck uploading to myibi right now.

Anyway, my plan is to check these boxes and then search.

This may be the default thing I do to search for things - go to your Cases and check the boxes, then search.



Toby, Thanks for the Info. Its really helpful.

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This might be kind of significant for me. I keep track of cases in folders on my local pc called ibicases210510076 for example. It ends with the case number.

Looks like the case numbers have changed.

Heres an email for one of my recent ones:


image.png718217 5.45 KB


The case numbers were done with the date (yymmdd) followed by a sequence number. I was thinking the date might be useful somehow.

But heres that same case now in Tibco support:


image.png993167 15 KB


Happily, I can still find the old case number, but I do have to open the case up first. Its called a Legacy SR ID:


image.png641606 23.6 KB


Maybe I can just search using the old case number (Legacy SR ID)


image.png785450 14.3 KB


Oh well. Looks like we should perhaps use some key words from the summary line of the case when we opened it. That seems to work.

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Maybe this would be relevant if you have time to experiment.

It looks like they use a company called Coveo for their support site.

I couldnt find any more advanced ways of querying really, but I did find this:

Searching With Coveo

And maybe useful:

Using Wildcards in Queries

I also opened a case with them asking them to add Legacy SR ID to the fields they search if possible.

I was hoping I might find an advanced query that would let me add the search on Legacy SR ID myself, but looks like advanced queries are not enabled.

Learned a little terminology - like that box that pops up with all the years in it after you search. Thats called a Facet.

Also the description of stemming makes me think if you typed in like TABLE, youd also get TABLEF. If you wanted only TABLE, youd say +TABLE. I dont think case matters by default. Itd be nice to know how to make it pay attention to case I think.

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Has anyone else had there old cases transferred and not get get the history We had one. Havent checked them all, hoping its the only one. We have had an apology from support, but the history is still not there.

Something to watch out for.

Im thinking the old site should have stayed online but read only.

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I just took a quick scroll through my 5 pages of cases for the last couple of years and they all appear to be intact. Mind you I didnt actually open all of them though.

For the one that didnt bring its history - could you tell right away by looking at your list of cases (where they show the first few lines of the case), or did you have to open it all the way to tell it was gone

Also -was it a real old case or pretty current

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Hi Ian

Use the support.tibco.com and log in there.

Once youre in, to find your old cases, look at the links at the top left of the page.

Dont choose Cases - Choose Knowledge Base instead


When the Search page for Knowledge base comes up, THEN you can click on Cases:


image.png958512 34.3 KB


I dont see any way to search by case number. So Id say to try to search by the Summary line we used instead.

Im sure there are other ways of getting to your info, but this seems to work for me.

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Dont choose Cases - Choose Knowledge Base instead



You can use the Cases link, its just that you then need to change the default filter from the drop down list

Choose one of the other option such as My Cases or My Companys Cases to see them all


image.png325518 12.8 KB







I dont see any way to search by case number.



You can type the case number in the search bar but its the new cases number


Typing anything in the search bar will return every cases with the search string


In the two above last image, I search by the new case number and then with a string that exist somewhere in the discussion regarding the same case and the search return the same result

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Thanks Waz! I didnt even see that option hidden under the little drop down arrow.

Works for me now:


image.png1005584 45.5 KB


I dont think theres a way to search by our old case number though.

I will say the support people were pretty fast and polite about getting me a list of all my cases with both old and new case numbers.

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