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I have two data adapters (SQL Server) configured, both conne...

Tim Easley

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I have two data adapters (SQL Server) configured, both connect to the same database but they use different credentials. If I create metadata using one of the adapters, I assumed I would see something in the .acx file that points to the adapter used to create it but I do not. I searched the Describing Data with TIBCO WebFOCUS Language and get 16 hits for the word adapter but none of them describe a .acx file setting.


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No I dont (example below), but thanks for providing the keyword.

Now Im wondering why (or why not) this setting would be included (or not included) in the .acx.

Thanks for your reply, I will do some searching to see if I get CONNECTION always added to the .acx. But knowing this I can add manually where necessary.



KEYS=0, $

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you can add a connection description



This is not what David was talking about.

The line : CONNECTION=MYCONNECTION, $ mentioned by David should be part of the .acx to defined the where the master file must read from.

What you find is a comment added to the connection definition not at the .acx file

But if what you have found makes you happy, its all good.

but if that makes you happy

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IF you have an adapter on the WFRS, the easiest way to pull up the adapter you have.

Hit test to make sure it works.

Then make a duplicate of it and give it a new connector name.

We do this for the WF Repository where we have a 2nd one with the letters RO added for read only. We then change the credentials and verify it works.

If you want to look at the Access file, select the master from the application folder and right click, You should see a menu like the following:


Select Metadata Management and you can then edit the Access file and see the contents

Here you can change which connector you plan on using

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