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David Hall 5

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  1. Here is what we found out. A clean install works fine. Mainly because nothing touched in a file called webfocus.cfg. This is only created when you go into admin console and add things like CM file locations. It became evident that any upgrade would not work. Mainly since the install process takes the webfocus.cfg file and modifies it. It is the editing by the admin console of the webfocus.cfg that corrupts the file. One can manually edit the file and fix the syntax and it will work. Word of warning any / or is messed up in the webfocus.cfg file by the admin console. So avoid it. Once the webfocus.cfg file is manually fixed, it works fine. The case I opened has flagged this as a defect and I am told it will be fixed in the next 9.1 service pack or 9.2 Since there is no warning on the tibco site I wanted people to know what I encountered
  2. I mentioned I would provide an update after I opened a case. Opened a case with upgrade from 82 to 91 issue Opened a new case with 9.1 issues Told the following This seems to be a general problem in 910 with any settings updated in the admin console that includes a slash or a backwards slash We corrected the problems we found manually editing the affected files. We are doing more testing
  3. We have been testing the new 9.1 We did a clean install, and it worked with no major issues We did an upgrade in place from 9.03 to 9.1 and had issues we did an upgrade in place from 8207.28.13 to 9.1 and had issues symptoms basically show some of the features (like new workspace folder or role utility) cannot read zip file. We discovered that the upgrade in place takes the webfocus.cfg file and modifies the syntax for file locations incorrectly. Instead of E:ibiapps for example the file location was modified to E:/ibi/ CM import and export folder syntax is also messed up Opened a case to report the issue, but changes made in the Admin Console GUI do not appear to work properly
  4. Filter out the data you want into a hold file first. Then work off that hold file on the calculation. Once you get the calculation correct, then you can go back to doing the filtering on the fly. Statistics are very specific and someone not knowing the data can screw things up For example if you have a grade point average, you cannot average the average. You cannot take a B average from one semester and a C average from a 2nd semester and get an average. One MUST take all the grades, and the points for the grades and then recalculate the average for all the semesters. Standard deviation needs the individual values to get the correct number Another thing you may want to do is work on a small sample of data first. If you have TIBCO's Rstat, they have SD as one of the tab options to compare it to.
  5. So how are you filtering out the negative or negative values. It would be best to filter the data into a hold file and then do the standard deviation off the hold data.
  6. It has been a while, but there are some commands available at the FOCUS code level that used to generate Standard deviation. How are you attempting to calculate the Standard Deviation?
  7. It depends on the version you are upgrading to. 8207 from one release (like 8207.28.10 to 8207.28.13 ) a copy of the repository will work 9.1 has Major/Major changes to the repository. So a DBMS copy of a old repository to another (different dbms) may work, TIBCO does have some "upgrade" utilities. However, we have done the clean install to a new repository and then used CM to move WFC code and not seen any issues. Note they did away with the ibi_html folder so if you use anything customized, you have to ask about the work around Finally a copy contents of the ibi folder may not work directly. Security information and security related Jar files all have the release number in them for example webfocus-web-security-8207.28.xx.jar where xx is the release number what works for one release may not work for the next. to be safe a clean install would be better
  8. We discovered that in 8207, that Hyperstage is installed and the sample retail system is loaded with Hyperstage. For Retail Samples we have an MS SQL DBMS that we have loaded. So for us, we had to undo all hyperstage masters, access files and references. We discovered after asking a vague new WFRS command one puts into the environment cfg WFRS_NOHS=TRUE If not upon restart of the WFRS, one will get an error along the lines ofError: (EDA60001) HYPER special service crashed Just curious how many others have come across this David Hall BlueCross, BlueShield of Alabama
  9. We use SAML for external authentication. The security and admin manual does a good job explaining the various gui tabs and recommends just sticking with the default values. The admin manual does NOT include any screenshots. Our experience is that we would recommend staying with the defaults. We assembled an enhanced version of the manual with screenshots for each paragraph. Since we are running https on IIS to redirect to Tomcat port 80 to port 443. We had an alias defined in the tomcat server.xml like the following: proxyName=dnsproxynamegoeshere proxyPort=443 This proxy name was a DNS and we could hit it with the DNS name, and we added it to IIS https certficate so it was a subject alternative name. When you are ready to generate the metadata to send to the ping federate staff or their side of thing, we discovered that if you used the fully qualified https name when you went to the SAML option all the defaults were fully properly set up in the gui, no need to retype anything
  10. I have seen this happen. It turns out they are defined somewhere else as another level user I am not sure if it is first or last one that is picked up. Also I asked about this and was told there is a timing issue. where on the WFC side the group membership report does not refresh automatically. and may take some time.
  11. The WF repository layout structure and tables used varies between the various 8.x releases. There is a utility folder in the WebFOCUS folder on the WFC client that has a number of windows and Linux batch/script files. These are run during the migration process, but also can be run manually. You may want to look at these and see if any of them could assist in getting the information you need
  12. On a related issue, we did a side by side comparrison of 8207.28.04 (that had not been upgraded) to one that had been upgraded to 8207.28.06. Problem was introduced in the 8207.28.06 release. For those interested, on the WFRS side of things the log4j files in the ibi/home directory now have the version number removed from the file name.
  13. We discovered other issues along with what you are describing. One of the main issues is that all users can see all my content folderrs. We opened a case on this. The event logs show some problems with a few of the Webfocus Jar files We were told by the Gold support staff on our bi-weekly call that this is a known issue and the offending code has been identified. We were also told this would be delivered via an 8207.28.07 release. (not to be confused with the 8207.0.hotfix04 that was posted today. This release is supposed to be available the first part of next week
  14. IF you have an adapter on the WFRS, the easiest way to pull up the adapter you have. Hit test to make sure it works. Then make a duplicate of it and give it a new connector name. We do this for the WF Repository where we have a 2nd one with the letters RO added for read only. We then change the credentials and verify it works. If you want to look at the Access file, select the master from the application folder and right click, You should see a menu like the following: Select Metadata Management and you can then edit the Access file and see the contents Here you can change which connector you plan on using
  15. I raised the same question about SOLR in a new case. I was told look at the WFC Hotfix2 for 8207.28.05 for the instructions. I asked if the log4j remediation was in this release since nothing mentioned Also, the 8207.28.06 release notes have no notes on the Log4j issue. The only good thing in the release notes is that there are now a list of fixes for 8207.28.05 and 28.06 in separate sections.
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