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Manoj Chaurasia

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This is kind of generic, but many business users and developers rely on HOLD files to aggregate and get data in line for the final reporting but I always encourage them to get more creative with COMPUTES, Aggregate Within, and WHERE TOTAL to keep the report as self contained as possible and use the power of the platform. To me HOLD files are more like brute force vs. the finesse and sleekness of computes.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Might not be immediately intuitive, but when populating a visualization page immediately setting the column number to as high as possible (80 columns in my case using WebFocus Designer). This gives you more freedom and detail for content placement and I havent encountered any downside so far!
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Hello Im just joining myibi, and thought Id share one of my sucess stories.

Sometimes, I want to use code instead of GUI tools, so I use the GUI tools to generate the code I dont know, and then use the code it generates as an example how to do something.

As an example of that, we have the spreadsheet upload tool loads table to Hyperstage (or whereever), we know all the GUI clicks you can make, but dont know the code behind the gui tools. What I do is use the GUI tools, get one click away from where the server will do some work, turn on server traces, run the GUI tool, turn off server traces, then review the traces for the code generated.

Here is some code I gleamed on how to bulk load to hyperstage. Notice the syntax might be a little different than what you usually see, but its the exact code the tool makes.


TABLE FILE life_of_loan








AS baseapp/hold_load

TABLENAME hold_load




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  • 3 weeks later...

When you are editing text in 8.2 (ibi_apps/TED) you can use shortcuts to do things.

Apart from the usual CTRL-C/X/A/V/Z/Y

CTRL-/ = comment / uncomment

CTRL-U = Text to upper case

CTRL-SHIFT-U = Text to lower case

CTRL-F = Find / Replace Dialog

CTRL-H = Find / Replace Dialog

CTRL-D = Delete selected lines

And the really good one.

ALT-drag select = multi-line typing

e.g. If you wanted to type many -SET &, alt-drag the first column and type away.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
We found that using the Table of Contents option (WebFOCUS 8.2.03) can be helpful when creating reports for Excel. If you want to break up your report into multiple Excel sheets, whichever field you group by first will be the field that is split up into multiple sheets. The Table of Contents option is in the Format tab.
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This line of code at the beginning of your fex


is the best debugging tool you will ever use. Your output format has to be HTML and when the output is displayed if you view the source of the output it will show you all the WebFOCUS code that was run. All the values for parameters are displayed in the code and if you have complex logic for dialog manager you will see how the IF-THEN-ELSE of the logic is applied.

Dont forget to remove this code before you release it for everyone to use it can cause some overhead. Use it strictly for debugging issues.

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  • 1 month later...


WHENCE to find the location or path of webfocus resources

-SET &ECHO=ALL; for debugging

SQL Trace for checking the sql translation

ON TABLE SAVE- can be used to check the formats of fields in the master file

App studio:

Ctrl+M and Ctrl+R for comment/uncomment

Ctrl+U and Ctrl_Shift+U for UPPER CASE /lower case

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