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Traditionally we have had three environments - DEV, TEST, an...

David Briars

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Traditionally we have had three environments - DEV, TEST, and PROD - set up in WebFOCUS Developer Studio (WFDS).

When we needed to migrate Repository Content from environment to environment, we simply used the WFDS copy and paste menu commands.

Our DEV environment is now separate from our TEST and PROD environments.

Separate meaning we have a WFDS instance on a DEV client, and this instance can only access DEV servers, including the web, client, reporting servers, and database server containing the repository content.

I have another WFDS instance that can access TEST and PROD servers.

With the firewall separating my two instances of WFDS I can no longer copy/paste to/from DEV with menu commands.

Has anyone any ideas to things I can do to support code migration

The only solution I can come up is to:

On the DEV Client:


Copy the file out of WFDS/Repository Content and into a physical file, e.g., myfavoritereport.fex.

Pass the physical file from the DEV client to the TEST-PROD client.


On the TEST-PROD client:


Open the passed physical file up in Notepad.

Copy the text into the clipboard

Open the TEST/PROD Repository/Content fex in WFDS.

Delete existing text/Paste in the new text from the clipboard.


(We are on release 8105M of WFDS, WF Client, and WF Reporting Server.)

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We have multiple environments setup as well. To move content we use the Content Management system found on the legacy home page (atleast its there in 8206, not sure about 8105). We setup scenarios that have all the content we want to move (export). It makes it very easy to move content this way, and you dont need to use Developer Studio at all
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Change Management is documented here for the 8.2 release:

WebFOCUS Change Management

Creating a Change Management Package (not sure this covers any more that the link above).

See the manual WebFOCUS Security and Administration

Release 8.1 Version 05M, Chapter 12 for doc on your release. I think in 8.1.05 a difference is that it doesnt create a .zip file of the exported package, like it does in later releases. It is just a structure of folders and files.

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Yes CM is the tool we use moving code from one environment to another. We also have Dev, Test and Prod environments We create a package (Export) on the source environment , Copy that to CM/Import folder on the target environment and do a Import The domain names has to be the same

We also have a Sandbox env for testing patches and upgrades , we have a DBA to copy the Repos from our source environment to SandBox env

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Thank you all.

Yep, I tested using WebFOCUS Change Management to move Repository Content (focexecs) from one environment to another, and it worked great.

Up until now, while weve used WF CM to move Portals, I didnt consider it for moving content, because using the IDE was so quick and simple.

I see now WF CM will meet our new requirements, to move code across physically separate environments; and it is great to know that others are doing this type of thing too.

Thanks again for your support on my question.

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There are some settings in the Administration Console, in your 8.1.05M release. Go to Configuration > Application > Change Management. You should clear cache for any changes to take effect.

The first setting lists the file extensions that it can be exported. For example if you wanted to include some .txt files in an export. I think, but you would have to verify, that you can change it, create your scenario, and change it back so that no other scenarios would be affected.

The second setting can be set to True so that you will get text versions of your exported content under the /root_content folder. Youll see .fex files and others under /root but those dont have the actual code. In later releases, this setting defaults to True.

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