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Anyone using a Sharepoint connector to get data for WebFOCUS reports? Any tips for getting that connection established? Any pitfalls to using files from a Sharepoint connector we should watch out for?

Debra Waybright

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  • 11 months later...

We use hyperlinks to a SharePoint site. I am not a huge fan nor a SharePoint expert but when EDGE rolled out the ability to link to spreadsheets on local shares no longer worked...and IS refused us disk space so we dumped them on SharePoint and hyperlink to them.

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When you say you "hyperlink to them", do you do that through a Get Data Connection? We tried creating a SharePoint connector and haven't been able to get it to work. It says it connects to the SharePoint site, but I can't see any of the data files. 

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We copy the path from SharePoint then go to the HTML page.  We add the URL under Requests & Data Sources.  We add a hyperlink control to the HTML Page. Then tie them all together under Tasks and Animations, Anchor20 was the Hyperlink Control. URL/ Request90 was the URL to the SharePoint File. I am not sure this is what you are after but if you need more detail let me know.



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