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Just a heads up to those who are thinking of downloading and...

David Hall 5

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Thanks for writing that up David!

Sounds like a private fix kind of thing. I need to go read release notes to see if they fixed anything that I actually care about.


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Just a heads up to those who are thinking of downloading and applying the 8207.28 HOTFIX001 for the WebFOCUS client.

Be sure to download and install the TIB_wf-wf_8207.28.txt instructions.

This hotfix is a manual copy/paste and replace with more copy paste than the typical GUI that TIBCO put out for the 8207.27 hotfix.

The instructions do provide a way to patch the Integrated installation, but one must follow the instructions exactly (and make the backups they recommend). This used to be the typical way hotfixes were delivered by IBI over 3 years ago, but IBI did away with the process since people skipped over the instructions, or did not follow them exactly and made problems.

Also a word of caution, the steps do require one to replace and re-war the War file



Extract the content of webfocus.war.

a. Using an utility of your choice, open the webfocus.war file, located in

the {TIBCO_HOME}hotfix8207.28.0_HF-001HF-001_WF directory.

b. Extract the content of webfocus.war to {TIBCO_HOME}webappswebfocus.

If the step is performed correctly, the {TIBCO_HOME}webappswebfocus

directory should have the contents in the webfocus.war file.



Note the comment in the instructions of Using an utility of your choice

I would recommend those who have never done this to ask around for the utility for the OS they are using.

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Whats the fixes

Going off to check

This is the list

Closed Issues in 8207.28.0_HF-001










Descending order in WHERE filter is ignored in Designer page.


Run a Portal that contains a Visualization in an Assemble Page results in an

Exception error if the WebFOCUS Reporting Server is secured.


Internal Processing error logging in to WebFOCUS.


*When opening Designer, check server access is not performed if the WebFOCUS *

Reporting Server is secured.


*Assemble Visualization should be in the selected Workspace or subfolder, *

instead of in the My Content folder.


Update the WebFOCUS Home Banner


Procedure trace is not created for ReportCaster Distribution Server.


Cannot access WebFOCUS Reporting Server Web console from CLM Web console.

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I opened a case and asked about the copypaste unwar/rewar process and was told this is the direction that TIBCO will be using for hotfixes going forward

The specific response was:

The Hotfixes are meant to be zip file based, with no installer to resolve specific issues. It is not meant to be installed by all users, just those that are impacted by the outage. The Reporting Server is based upon its infrastructure, which requires all files to be in sync.

The long term goal is to provide a simple ZIP based methodology that will allow customers to manually implement and revert as needed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Weve done it that way in the past but more for private fixes meant for a specfic problem at a specific customer.

It seems like its not that big of a stretch to use the installer that theyve already got. Maybe I just dont understand all the moving parts.

I did the server part of the hotfix and it went on easily as usual. The only catch was that it didnt update its Gen number.

I was thinking Id just wait for HF2 hoping that it would have an installer this time.

I have 6 machines to patch anytime they make a change to the client. I know some people have more to do than me. I heavily vote for an installer for client side hotfixes.

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It was helpful to see the hotfix changes from HF1 right here in myibi so Ill add the ones for HF2. Remember hotfixes are cumulative so HF1 fixes are included. This list is just the new things that were addressed in the Client:


Closed Issues in 8207.28.0_HF-002


When a user with UINFO Server privilege creates visualization, JSON error may



Setting a custom date in the filter toolbar in Designer shows all dates instead

of the specified date.


Collapsible sections in Designer Portal do not open correctly.


The Welcome page plus button (+) does not allow customization.


Slicer labels in a Pie chart should not display if the slicer is too small for

the label to fit.

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