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Anyone know what this error is The message is not very help...

Brad Gronli

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I found this on techsupport and not sure if it fits your scenario or release. It happened in 8.2.01

Research Notes


Using more than 252 characters in a report library message we get the error message: Error saving schedule: Validation error: Value of {0} is larger than the allowd maximum on 1


Create a report library und under Library Notification, Email for Library add a message who is longer than 252 characters when you click on Save and Close button you get the error message Error saving schedule: Validation error: Value of {0} is larger than the allowd maximum on 1 This occurs also in 8201M release. We know that the inline message is stored in the repository and has a size limitation. Customer would like to either not be able to type a message larger than 252 characters or that he gets a message saying that no more that 252 characters are allowed.



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  • 2 months later...

I know what this is. We recently ran into it. The file name, not the title, but the true file name of the report you are trying to schedule is too long. Open the properties for the report and change the Name field to something short. Then try scheduling it and see if that doesnt work.

Good luck!


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Thanks Chuck. Currently I am not able to get past the login screen. When I attempt to change the password or create a new account (not sure if my old account is still valid) I get a page telling me the following


image.png762874 27.6 KB

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