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App Studio 8206. For some reason todaywhile repeatedly work...

robert fuschetto

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App Studio 8206. For some reason todaywhile repeatedly working on and running a fex that creates a hold file and reports off itprompting for some parametersit seems like many times it works fine after hitting RUNbut many times simply says: WebFocus No Output. Then if I close the fex, go back in, add a blank line or delete a blank line and again savesuddenly it works fine. Any one ever see this before.
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  • 5 months later...

I know this is closed, but what was the resolution to this issue We are testing the conversion of 8105M to 8207.25 and I get this message when IE is the default browser.

Additional information;

A simple fex with nothing more than the below produces the No Output message in IE, selecting View Source allows you to see the message I typed, but the browser does not display anything.



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This is the normal behavior since 82xx if the fex does not produce a real result other than -TYPE cmd, HOLD file, etc. In other words, if your result is not a HTML, Excel, PDF or other displayable format.

You need to right click and select View Source (or View frame source or View page source depending) to see the execution log/trace

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I dont think we found a workaround other than just being aware it was happening and doing without. I think even the error messages were suppressed, so it was a lot harder to diagnose and debug things. The places where it happened were very short term assignments, so never had time to investigate it more thoroughly. Could this be some kind of security feature that you would be good for prod environments

Maybe the help desk or IBI/TIBCO Tech could shed some light on this.

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