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Hi cummunity, I have the below piece of code that does work ...

Martin Yergeau

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Hi cummunity,

I have the below piece of code that does work as expected using IE but with Edge since the chrominium version, it doest.

It is used to feed an hyperlink and when clicked, a blank page does open but the expected pdf file dont.

When I test (copy/paste) the url in Edge, the pdf file opens. Same if I use GC or any other modern browser.

What am I missing with the new chrominium version


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Thanks Chuck

I have uploaded two sample files from Public folder :


SampleDocHyperlink which is the html code that use the below

SampleOpenPDF Doc which is the used fex to open a pdf file


Can you test with the below You will have to put a real servername in SampleOpenPDF Doc and reference to a existing file name.

I will sure that you run it the way I do.

SampleDocHyperLink.txt (4.6 KB) SampleOpenPDF Doc.txt (256 Bytes)

I just found strange that if I test the generated url it does work but from the clicked button, it doesnt

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I may have misunderstand the test you want me to perform.

If I use your sample it does work : ibi.com page does open.

But if I put my url (instead of http://ibi.com/) to the server pdf file location it do not open the pdf file.

The only error that I finally found is : Not allowed to load local resource

And seems to be the problem that I am stuck with months with modern browser.

I need to be able to open a file located on our servers.

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code that does work as expected using IE but with Edge since the chrominium version, it doest



The latest Edge/Chromium versions have IE Mode. Does your version have the IE Mode option Is it on

I didnt fully realize that you are calling the pdf via UNC. If you can convert to a URL, that might be advantageous.

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Sorry but I am not familiar with this. How will you do that


Are your .pdfs stored in a WebFOCUS application folder

If so they should be accessible from the web.

In this sample a .pdf is stored within an application folder called work.

Running from WFAS, on a local reporting server.

approot is a standard web context, that your site may also use.


image.png1326526 68.2 KB


If your .pdfs are stored on a different web server, then your URL value would change accordingly.

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