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John Gelona

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  1. Anyone know a way to flag email from Report Caster with high importance? Specifically for Outlook.
  2. As a followup, we've settled on Edge, primarily because it recognizes our Single-Sign-On (SSO) environment and Chrome doesn't and our systems team doesn't seem inclined to fix Chrome so it does.
  3. I was looking at my version this morning and it appears that it is only a client update. Is that right
  4. Our WebFOCUS environment is virtual Linux machines running on IBM mainframe. The Security tab works with IE but not with Edge or Chrome. I can get to all the other tabs on the WebFOCUS Admin Console (Configuration, Report Caster and Diagnostics) in Edge and Chrome. The only issue is the Security Tab.
  5. Yes, weve done a network packet trace and my browser gets to a certain point and traffic just stops and the co-workers where it works keeps going. Weve completely uninstall Chrome and reinstalled it with no change. Edge cant be uninstalled but we completely refreshed it and no change. The trace shows the session ending prematurely with ip packet 2985 below. The WebFOCUS client server sends a FIN, ACK to end the conversation prematurely.
  6. Another way it to use a pre-processing fex. The 7th day before the end of the month will be one of the following: the 21st in Feb or 22nd in a Leap Year. the 24th of Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Aug, Oct or Dec the 23rd of Apr, Jun, Sep or Nov Set the job in RC to run on the 21st, 22nd, 23rd and 24th. In the pre-processing fex see if the run date is the 7th day befor the end of the month (lots of ways to do this). If it is allow the job to run. If not, set the &&KILL_RPC to Y and the job will stop. The only catch is if the job has multiple tasks, you have to do the pre-processing fex before every task. (Ive had a NFR in for this for about 5+ years). We do this a lot. We have jobs that run on a given Business day of the Month which takes into account weekends and holidays.
  7. I was wondering if anyone has come across this. We are 8207.28.07. I have just started doing our installations because the guy that did them retired. For me, when Im in the admin console and click on the Security tab to configure security, the screen times out in Edge and Chrome. It works fine in IE. The really strange thing is Ive had two other people try it and it works fine in all 3 browsers for them. We did a network packet trace and for me, it gets to a point and all network traffic just stops but for the other two it keeps on trucking. I have no issues with the Configuration, Report Caster or Diagnostics tabs just the Security tab. Any one else ever see this and figure out what it was
  8. We have our settings at 4GB and we still have issues from time to time with large workbooks with multiple spreadsheets with embedded Excel macros (.xltm and .xlsm files). It is better now than it was in 8008 but we still have errors from time-to-time. We have a report that would build in 20-30 seconds in Excel 2003 format with an embedded macro. In Excel 2007, it took over 45 minute and it might finish. In 8207 that time is down to 10 minutes but still too long in my opinion. Without the macro it builds in less than 20 seconds. Not clear why the macro makes that big of a difference.
  9. Short answer is no. This is not an error, just a warning. The only time this and similar warnings are not displayed is when joining tables in the same database. Any other join combination will get this warning. It is just to let you know that performance may be impacted.
  10. robertf: BTW, storing content is baseapp was triedit does not work. Works for us. We have lots of Excel reports. Some are prerun from Report Caster and copied to the baseapp folder on the client server (the client and reporting server are different machines). We use a generic .htm pages to open them. Almost all of the reports have links in the heading to an explantion file (a word document saved as an htm file). Everything opens just fine in Edge. Our portal is modeled after our old dashboard. It has about 10+tabs and each tab has anywhere from 4 to over 20 reports, well over 200 reports in all. It all works in Chrome too but I prefer Edge because Edge honors or SSO where Chrome does not. Also found out something else this morning. For drill down, ON TABLE PCHOLD builds different links than ON TABLE HOLD. ON TABLE PCHOLD has a parameter for the the application folder of the drilldown program to run, ON TABLE HOLD does not and does not work. I got around that by changeing the FOCEXEC parameter to include the application folder, i.e. having FOCEXEC=misc_production/program instead of FOCEXEC=program.
  11. Where is the Distribution Server In our environment the Distribution server is on the same machine as the Reporting Server. The client server is on a separate machine. If this describes you, then you have to repeat the ReportCaster steps on the machine where the Distribution Server is located. I applied the fix in our Test, Dev environments and every thing is fine. I will be doing Prod later today.
  12. We opened a report with Tibco/IBI on this issue a good while back and the reply was basically, this is how Chrome works. This is not a WebFOCUS issue but a Chrome issue and good luck with getting this fixed. My suggestion is to use the Internal Viewer with App Studio or IE.
  13. I have found 2 ways to do things in Excel that WebFOCUS cant do. One is to use CSS, the other is Excel Macros. So far, I havent found anything I need to do in Excel that WebFOCUS cant do or easily do that cant be done in a macro. From simple thing like Freezing Panes and turning on filters to Filtered Subtotals, Group Borders, Insert cell comments, rotate cell contents, Vertical centering cells, etc.
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