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Bajr Prakash Singh

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  1. Hi @Patrick Huebgen, Thanks for you response. I was able to fix the issue without making any config change. I just called relevant file using below URL: my_window=window.open('/ibi_apps/run.bip?BIP_REQUEST_TYPE=BIP_RUN&BIP_folder=IBFS:/WFC/Repository/Template&BIP_item=filename.htm','my_window','width=400,height=200,toolbar=0,menubar=0,location=0,status=0,scrollbars=0,resizable=1,left=60,top=500');
  2. @Patrick Huebgen, Is filename.htm a custom file that you are creating? - Yes. There's was a change in recent version with ibi_html - the way this folder is stored/provided - okay, do you any resource that I can refer for this change?
  3. @Patrick Huebgen, I am trying to reference filename.htm file as mentioned in below line my_window=window.open('ibi_html/publish/text/filename.htm','my_window','width=400,height=200,toolbar=0,menubar=0,location=0,status=0,scrollbars=0,resizable=1,left=60,top=500');
  4. Hi @David Beagan , based on your response I tried to add the forward slash in front of ibi_html, but instead of showing the html file, it took me to my login page of application and the URL was changed as below: https://company.com/ibi_html/publish/text/filename.htm When forward slash is removed and we get the 404 error, the URL changes as below: https://company.com/ibi_apps/ibi_html/publish/text/filename.htm - this is same URL which correctly showed the requested HTML file in our 8105 version of WF.
  5. Hi All, We have migrated from WF 8105 to WF 9.1.2. Previously the onmousehover function for text having path for an html, was working fine when user hover overed the text and it showed the HTML. But the same text when user hover overs in WF 9.1.2 shows "Requested Resource was not found in this application /ibi_apps/ibi_html/publish/text/filename.htm error". JS function where report is being called: "function text56_onmouseover(ctrl) { my_window=window.open('ibi_html/publish/text/filename.htm','my_window','width=400,height=200,toolbar=0,menubar=0,location=0,status=0,scrollbars=0,resizable=1,left=60,top=500');" I believe there was a setting in Admin Console->Application Settings which would have fixed the issue. But I don't remember the setting and not sure if that feature has changed in WF 9. Does anyone know about this issue? Thanks in Advance.
  6. Hi @Patrick Huebgen, I checked the event.log but it doesn't have any error related to issue I am facing. I have already opened case with support and following with them over this issue.
  7. Hi @rueben_ramirez, if you are using WebFOCUS 9 and want to access Reporting server using SAML Authentication, you can use it by opening reporting server through below location Management Center->Administration Console->Reporting Servers->Server Connections->Right Click on EDASERVE and click on Reporting Server Console It will open reporting server for you. Unfortunately, I have not been able to separately open reporting server with SAML Authentication. If you find any other way do update here, it will be good learning for us. Thanks.
  8. Hi All, We have started using WebFOCUS 9 and while creating duplicate of one particular fex file or saving that fex file, I am receiving 'encountered a hardware I/O error while accessing virtual' or operation times out' error. While running the fex in browser, I am receiving : 'Proxy Error The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server. The proxy server could not handle the request Reason: Error reading from remote server' Has anyone encountered this issue before or has idea what could be causing it? Thanks in Advance.
  9. Hi Pablo, sorry for my delayed response. I got busy with coordinating with TIBCO support for this issue. Thanks for the suggestion btw. They suggested that post installation it is advised not to make the alias change, so I had to make changes in the Client ID of keycloak server and configure it with WF 9 server. Post that there were few files that WebFOCUS uses that were blocked by our firewall that I had get whitelisted to enable/access the feature of WF Client.
  10. Thanks @Patrick Huebgen, I have opened a case and following with support over this issue.
  11. Just a thought, can we make alias change for 'ibi_apps' to lets say 'ibi_apps_91' in webfocus configuration?
  12. Hi All, We are in process of setting up out QA server for WF 9.1, during configuration of SSO using SAML Authentication with keycloak as IDP, I am getting weird login page and it does not work even after I provide my credentials. Few details to keep in mind: 1. Keycloak has new client ID specific for WebFOCUS 9.1 environment. 2. Proxy server has Location as '/ibi_apps_91/', I can't use 'ibi_apps' as it is used by our WF 8 Development server 3. keycloak-saml.xml file has been used from keycloak server 4. wfspmetadata has been generated 5. SSL certificate is valid Any insights on what could be the issue? Thanks in advance!
  13. Thanks @Clayton Peacock for you response, I had also reached out to ibi support and they provided the same response as you.
  14. Hi Guys, We moved to WebFOCUS 9.1 recently from WebFOCUS 8.1(whose support ended September, 2023). Now my stakeholders are asking what is the support ending date for WebFOCUS 9, I know its fairly new but does anyone has any information regarding this. Thanks in advance.
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