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Today I hit a situation where I was trying to answer a quest...

Toby Mills

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Today I hit a situation where I was trying to answer a question from Tom about reading the repository.

I get this idea that maybe the WebFOCUS Client Rest adapter is the thing to look into.

Sure enough, I found a manual - Summary of new features for 7708 that might be applicable.


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So I think maybe Ill just go find an HTML page that references this so I can post it in my reply to Tom.

I go to techsupport and login to search for the title:

Linking to Your WebFOCUS Client Repository

Heres how that looked:


And the answer is


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Brilliant (as our UK friends say).

So heres a trick - go to google and try the search like this:

Linking to Your WebFOCUS Client Repository site:informationbuilders.com


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Lo and Behold! Answers


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Thought you guys might want to try that if the techsupport isnt finding what you know must exist.



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