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Please Introduce yourself. Name: IBI Product - Years of Year...

Azhar M A 2

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Hello! I totally enjoyed the first Virtual Summit but it was over way too soon!

My name is Carol Sashi and I have been using FOCUS/WebFOCUS since 1990. I am passionate about the WebFOCUS toolset and how it can inspire users to excel in BI with minimal effort. Having learned many best practices and incorporating learned techniques at many past Summits, I have packaged a dynamic template that can be easily generated from pseudo code produced in InfoAssist or Designer. As president of Leap Ahead Solutions (IB Services Partner), I invite you to find out more about my generator at http://www.leapaheadsolutions.com.

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Welcome to the fold. Its great to see new businesses in the Northwest. I am semi-retired after 40 years of ibi products. Maybe we have reached critical mass to restart the Greater Seattle Users Group. Steve Hodos and I have tried to keep it running for a while, but we ran out of users

Michael Meagher

In FOCUS since 1980

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  • 2 weeks later...
Kamesh, never got to talk to you, sure wish you had taken the other SinglePoint developer job at U. S. Bank last year since it looks like you wrote a lot of the code a long time ago - Im having to figure it out now, its going OK but would have been nice to have another resource! Im the only 1 supporting SP and the other developers left b4 I came on board so no hand-off plus supporting Cash Vault - its what it is.
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Hey Charles Morris!

Are you working for US bank out west (Kevins gig) or with John Bahe and company

Im still in Overland Park, KS but working remote for a company in DC (asmr.com) who contracts with the military. You used to live around here right

Good to see you on myibi!


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Hello Robert

I am in the same boat as Anthony and you. We are moving from 7.705 to 8.2.12. Dev Studio to App Studio. Anthony can you tell me anything about their migration tool. I would be really interested in any documentation you have found. We are also going to the AWS cloud.

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still living in OP. I work indirectly with John et al, tried to get into his group last summer, he had an opening as a FOCUS resource but they hit a hiring freeze after wed done the final interview, etc. He hooked me up with a mgr who needed a WF resource to replace 2 developers who both retired at the same time (1 was Ted Bishop, you might have known him) in Cincinnati - so 1 of my app groups is in Cincinnati and the other is in NY but Im totally remote. I stay in fairly close contact with Johns group since Ive worked with almost all of them at IB. Good to see you here as well!
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