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Webfocus 82 - Fix log4j 1.2 vulnerability and support for open JDK

Madhavan TR

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1) We have noticed the vulnerable log4j being used by Webfocus. Any suggestions to avoid this vulnerability?

Apache Log4j 1.2.17 (ibiWebFOCUS82ReportCasterliblog4j-1.2.17.jar)

2) Can we use Open JDK for running our webserver (Apache Tomcat) or we need to use only Oracle JRE? Will there be any impact on webfocus ? If there is any certification matrix, please let us know. Note: We have web server and webfocus installed in the same machine

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Recent versions of WebFOCUS have fixes for log4j vulnerabilities - depending on your version there will be hotfixes off you need to update to a recent version

details here


yes you can use open source versions of java

I‘m using https://adoptium.net/

For supported versions please check the installation manual of the WebFOCUS version you are using - as this depends on your version

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