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App Studio Run Report Request Opens WebFOCUS Home Page Not Report Within the Focexec.

David Briars

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Hi David

I wonder if this also happens if they save the focexec and run from the menu? The method of running the code is different if you run from inside the editor. Maybe that matters?

Next thing to do I think - trace the HTTP traffic between his machine and the client. You can use Fiddler to do this or the built in WFSCOMTrace.exe under the ibiappstudioxxbin folder.

I think I'd actually jump right into tracing to see if app studio is correctly passing along the request to the client.

There's a couple of ideas. Let me know if you need help with tracing.

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Hi Toby,

Thank you for your thoughtful reply. (I always appreciate seeing your thoughts on postings; you are a fine collaborator. :-))

I doubled checked with my user, and they inadvertently had switched off 'IWA' for 'Web Component Authentication' in AS WF Environmental Properties.

Once they reset to 'IWA' reports routed to MS Edge, as before.

Thanks again.


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