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Hi All, Does anyone have any document or link to instruction...

Bajr Prakash Singh

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Hi Prakash,

Welcome to the forum. As Ron has already pasted a link for the current Security and Administration manual, I think youll find what youre after on page 296 of that document.

If youre playing admin, which I presume you are by your question, youll want to keep this document handy.

We can use several sorts of identity providers. SAML is one of them.

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We use SAML for external authentication.

The security and admin manual does a good job explaining the various gui tabs and recommends just sticking with the default values. The admin manual does NOT include any screenshots.

Our experience is that we would recommend staying with the defaults.

We assembled an enhanced version of the manual with screenshots for each paragraph.

Since we are running https on IIS to redirect to Tomcat port 80 to port 443. We had an alias defined in the tomcat server.xml like the following:



This proxy name was a DNS and we could hit it with the DNS name, and we added it to IIS https certficate so it was a subject alternative name.

When you are ready to generate the metadata to send to the ping federate staff or their side of thing, we discovered that if you used the fully qualified https name when you went to the SAML option all the defaults were fully properly set up in the gui, no need to retype anything

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