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Separating Month and Year from a Datetime variable

Francisco Rademacher

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I am working in WebFocus Designer. We have a datetime variable represented as: 2022/08/02 01:23:42. For YOY and MONTH over MONTH comparisons, I need to separate those from the mentioned datetime. I need to break down all the output that occured in January, February, etc...only as those months. The same for Year, and MAYBE week if possible.

What is the best and/or quickest way to do this I have tried some but to be frank, I am still learning...lol


Edit: I have tried some COMPUTE functions to no avail. I am curious if it is the format the DATETIME is coming in as that keeps COMPUTE from working. I am obviously not sure though. Grouping or BINS do not work either as new data is constantly coming in.

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