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Does someone have found the release notes for v8207.28.05 th...

Martin Yergeau

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Hi Martin

I just looked to see if theres a new Hotfix 5 to download and I dont see it yet:


Where did you hear about it Im just now finally moving HF4 to my integrated test area. Id skip it and do HF5 if there was one available.

Oh - I went to go look in the Downloads section instead of Hotfixes. I see that version mentioned here:


image.png631694 53.5 KB


I didnt get an email but thats not too surprising here.



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Hello all,

The TIBCO WebFOCUS 8207.28.05 Release Notes PDF is now available from the link below:









21.93 MB










Our apologies for the delay and for any inconvenience.

You can also access all TIBCO WebFOCUS Client documentation here:


Any other questions, please let us know.

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Even if link & files name the youve provided are 28.05, they all end up to refer to 8207.28.0 version

I want to know what as changed from .28.0 to .28.05

I already have .28.0 installed on my dev box but has few bugs and I dont want to perform another upgrade if the bugs that I have are not fixed; its a waste of time.




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To be honest, I hate the TIBCO download site. First, why am I presented with every TIBCO product. At a minumum put the ones Im licensed for at the top. Second, the Full Product is worthless for Linux/Unix users. We are SUSE Linux on the mainframe. My client in under UNIX and my reporting server is under Linux and if one tries full product download under Linux, it tries to download every Linux version. The old IBI download site was far superior to what TIBCO has.
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