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When I run a portal, an error message appears in the event l...

Todd Van Valkenburg

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When I run a portal, an error message appears in the event log

[2021-12-01 10:10:04,492] ERROR [http-nio-8080-exec-6:WFBIP_ClientAdapter] tfvanval - Exception processing nls title: com.ibi.ibfs.error.IBFSException: Item does not exist IBFS:/WFC/Repository/University/fex

This does not appear to be affecting the portal in that the users do not see an error.

My question is how to clean up the portal so that it does not generate this error. This fex does not exist and I do not see a page on the portal calling it. The portal used to call this fex.

Thanks for your suggestions.

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Hi Todd

Sometimes I have luck doing a CM export so I can see the contents of the portal.

You can also try updating your CM package to remove whatever you see in there and re-import it as a way of getting rid of the offending reference to that item.

Save your CM export of course so you can roll back if altering the CM Import version doesnt work right. Just re-import the backup.

Hope that helps


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Thanks Toby. In theory, sounds good. I found the portal page that referenced the non-existent fex. Modified the page in the zip (e.g. removed the tags that went along with it). Re-imported but the import fails. Also tried a few variations like deleting the portal and all pages first, then importing the portal and all pages including the page that I modified. But every time the import fails.

Again, thanks for the suggestion.


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Exception processing nls title are you using NLS Could there be a problem here in one of your reports

Secondly, have you tried to delete the portal + portals hidden resources folder and then reassembled the new portal from scratch

Thirdly, go to the admin console, Diagnostics tab and then click on logs. Maybe switch the log level for the com.ibi.ibfs to debug and check logs systemically running each report on the portal in isolation to see which one gives you the errors.

Good luck

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