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Good afternoon, is there a simple way to redirect people com...

Garth Colasurdo

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Good afternoon, is there a simple way to redirect people coming to the log-in page to another web page/URL We are having an long outage (several days) to our reporting data systems and need to make sure; a) people get information on why the reporting is unavailable**, and b) make sure no one tries to run reports at that time.

** for the folks who didnt read any of the dozens of emails sent

I did attempt a number of tomcat redirects, but I dont think I got near a correct index.jsp to affect anything.

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When WebFOCUS is actually up and running, but you do not want end-users running content, I put up a default portal page (under each BI portal) temporarily that gives a maintenance message. I then remove it after the maintenance work is completed.

I normally only give access to the WebFOCUS home page to developers, for them, I just send out a message since it is usually a much smaller group.

In some case, where the entire WebFOCUS server might be down, I will redirect the DNS entry for the WebFOCUS server (I use one for access to WebFOCUS versus handing out the actual server name) to another web server with a maintenance message while the maintenance is occurring.

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Thank you Bill,

We have one major portal for our end users, which I added an announcement page tab to, and made it the default, so regular report users will get the announcement.

Also found in the Administrative Console, a BI config to redirect the Web Home page to the same announcement to alert the developers/advanced users.

I they could still type in the URL bar to get somewhere else, but they probably get errors if they try to run a report.

We do have a redirect in ibitomcatwebappsROOTindex.jsp. It takes regular users right to the main portal, but I have been unsuccessful in modifying it to go to a different site.

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Thanks for the reminder to clear out the Catalina localhost directory! In our case we also use a customized log in page, and it seems the index.jsp I was looking at was not being used.

What we ended up doing, was adding a refresh in the logincustom.jsp, so anyone coming to the site gets redirected to the announcement information.

We found it in ibiWebFOCUS82webappswebfocusWEB-INFjsplogon. There are a couple other logon type jsp files. So, through trial and error, we identified logincustom.jsp as our correct sign in page.

We could have gone the DNS entry route, but we needed a little more control on timing and I didnt really want to have our platforms group doing additional work during off hours.

I hope this help someone else, and thanks Bill and Chuck for sparking some leads that Stack Overflow wasnt filling.

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