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I was just playing around with embedding a fex into a web pa...

Todd Van Valkenburg

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I was just playing around with embedding a fex into a web page using iframe. I got this to work:

<iframe style="height:200px; width:400px; border:none" src="https://www.banbuck.mtu.edu/ibi_apps/run.bipBIP_REQUEST_TYPE=BIP_RUN&BIP_folder=IBFS://WFC/Repository/Public/embed_test&BIP_item=car_sales_by_country_pie_small.fex"></iframe>


But when I tried the same approach to embed an htm page created using AppStudio that runs the above fex, I get a pop up message stating that fex does not exist.

<iframe style="height:200px; width:400px; border:none" src="https://www.banbuck.mtu.edu/ibi_apps/run.bipBIP_REQUEST_TYPE=BIP_RUN&BIP_folder=IBFS://WFC/Repository/Public/embed_test&BIP_item=car_sales_by_country.htm"></iframe>

Is there a method similar to above that can be used to display an AppStudio generated htm page

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Playing around with this some more just now. What I did is create a new fex that includes the htm page that I built with AppStudio:


-INCLUDE IBFS:/WFC/Repository/Public/embed_test/car_sales_by_country.htm



Then in the external web page, I called this fex using the methodology posted in the first post. And this worked perfectly. Not sure of pro/con of going down this road but perhaps this is an option.

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