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It appears that in WebFocus 8.207 27 that you can no longer ...

Ben Maxwell

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This is the error from a graph I built in App Studio 8.206 when trying to open it in App Studio 8.207 27


I believe something to do with the fact that you are no longer allowed to create Charts within App Studio starting in the 8.207 27 release.

In the past there used to be a Chart option within App Studio, now there is not.


So with all of this in mind, how does one Edit a chart which was created in App Studio when using 8.207 27

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So with all of this in mind, how does one Edit a chart which was created in App Studio when using 8.207 27



Good question, this and much more since AS seems to be become a deprecated tool going forward.

How will we maintain existing reports/graphs from older WF versions

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It appears that in WebFocus 8.207 27 that you can no longer create or edit charts which were built in App Studio.

My question is how are you supposed to support these charts in Designer Studio 8.207 27 Do you have to re-write all of them in Designer Studio Is there some Edit function that I am missing outside of using the Edit Text option

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