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Is anyone else hanging out for the next release of WebFOCUS....

Warren Hinchliffe

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8105 to 8207 is a big jump.

Apart from the usual fixes and code tightening, one of the biggest new items is Designer. It shown so much promise.

We are hoping to roll it out to our clients. We have already used it to develop new portals. Even the portals are new and a fair bit easier to create.

Global themes are also easier css and sty wise.

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we went from 8008 to 8206 and are now moving to 8207. We had paid remediation to help us from 8008 Dev Studio to 8206 App Studio. We are just testing 8207 now. So far App Studio is fine. Design Studio seem to be missing some things important to us that were in App Studio. To be fair we will reserve comment until once we get through. But yes, that will be a big jump!
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