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Wasnt sure where to post this, dont see any related option...

Ryan Dotson

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Hi Chuck, seeing a new error now - this is happening across different browsers so I dont think its a local caching thing or something related to my particular browser.

The webpage at https://account.informationbuilders.com/loginManager7/profile_update.facescallerService=https://techsupport.informationbuilders.com/reAuthenticate=true might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.


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Wasnt sure where to post this, dont see any related options in a case on InfoResponse so figured Id post here. At https://techsupport.informationbuilders.com, Im unable to create a new account or logout of my account, I get an error about account.informationbuilders.com refusing to connect. Has been like this for about a week.

We have someone new starting at Venable next week and would like to get them setup with an account so they can submit cases and access the useful info there. Anyone else running into this Is this a known issue

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