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Another aboration. I had my fex 100% working after a few hou...

robert fuschetto

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Another aboration.

I had my fex 100% working after a few hours working things out. Butyou can never trust WF until you exit and go back in and retest. Why is that Sure enough I run my fex and get: WebFocus Error Executing.

Now I can no longer get into the GUI eitherunbalanced parentheses. But howI only used the GUIno messing manually with the code

How did it work fine UNTIL I logged out and went back in

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Good newsI opened my fex in TEXT mode and deleted a blank line at randomI hit saveNOW IT RUNS FINE AGAINNo WebFocus Error Excutingno unbalanced parentheses when I go into the GUI.

Bad NewsI logged out then back inI again get the WebFocus Error Excutingand the unbalanced parentheses when I go into the GUI.

This time I added a blank line in the code (just hit return) the hit savenow it runs again and I can access the GUIwell at least until I log off again.

Anyone have any ideas

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After further investigation, here is exactly whats going on:


Right click fex the Runyou get the error I mentioned above.

Open the fex in Text modeit appears to run fine.

Open the fex in GUI modeyou get an error (Unbalanced parentheses)BUT IT SEEMS TO RUN.


I say seems to run because it should be creating 4 hold files the last being a FOCUS file to be used by a chart. The display shows all 4 being build with the appropriate number of records in each. . However if I add to the procedure a chart, referencing the final Hold (focus) file, even though shown in the list, I get an error its not there!

Anyway, I am opening a case and dying to know what I did wrong!

Oh yea, I can find no UNBALANCED PARENTHESESfrom what I can see they are all paired.

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Hi Robert

When WebFOCUS runs from an editor, it runs the report like its an adhoc, unsaved report.

Thats probably where youre getting different behavior as far as flagging errors.

Regarding the unbalanced parentheses, I would suggest looking at your COMPUTEs, DEFINEs or -SETs to make sure you dont have a missing semi colon. Sometimes when the parser doesnt see a semi colon, it jams multiple lines together in its brain hunting for the ending semi colon. By the time it finds one, it thinks errors exist. Look for a missing ;

Hope that helps!


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Well I see no defines or wheres missing themBUTI liedI did paste some DEAFULTS in and they were missing semicolons! However adding the semi colons did not helpBUTfor some reason commenting out the DEFAULTS did! Now it runs from GUI or by Right Click Run. Unfortunately when I try to get into the GUI now it yields an errorunless I pick a value for each prompt! Which was why I put the DEFAULTS in.

Here were the DEFAULTS, they were at the top of the fex:









What am I fogettingthese suckers caused the original error! Maybe I am missing something

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Well, I added the & to the parameters but had to remove the semicolonsit looks like this:









When I double click the fex to open it, I still get the UNBA:ANCED PARENTHESES error but after clicking thru it and saying YES to continue in text mode it does seem to runit prompts me for parameters and then shows me thisthe 4 hold files have data:


BUTwhen I got to add a chart, even though the 4th file is in the list, the last one with the 14 records abovewhen I choose that file to build the chart off ofI get an error saying it does not exist.

Getting closerI will update my case with IBI as well.

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Hi Robert

Glad youre making progress.

I think the semi colon is not something thats syntactically correct on a -DEFAULT line.


This is probably because the function of a -DEFAULT is to assign a literal value. No IF THEN ELSE sort of logic is allowed, so no multi-line -DEFAULTs are expected.

Is your focexec too big to post for us all to see Or if you want to send it to me to review, you can send it to toby_mills@blackpond.com.


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it bigthey probably do not want me posting or sending it all. We do have a meeting w/IBI Friday or MOnday to review. Its just weird, if I comment out the DEFAULTS all togetherI can get into the gui without errorof course then as I modify the various procedures therein in ,each having WHERE CONDITIONS on the parameters it keeps prompting for them which is annoying. The DEFAULTS take care of that. But then I get the UNBALNCED PARENTHESES error. Now I recall the SET comand could also assign parameter values but then, as I recall, when run while testing, you really do not see what was prechosen.
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Hey Toby, I think the semicolon at the end of a -DEFAULT is OK.

InfoAssist writes code with semicolon on the -DEFAULTH statements.

The doc shows many code samples of -DEFAULT with a semicolon.

While the Developing Reporting Applications Release 8207 does show the syntax on page 439 as you presented without the semicolon, on page 335 it shows the syntax for optional semicolon.

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User wants a chart for Apples and Oranges. They want to specify, the Month/s, Dept /s, Person/s etc.

So first I note apples are in Table1 and oranges in Table2. I think about it decide to proceed as follows:

Declare Defaults - Table1 and Table2 will have the same WHERE conditions. If I dont create defaults it will keep prompting me as I test, run, open the fex etc.!

HOLD1 (alpha) GRAB data From Table1 w/WHERE PARAMTERS

HOLD2 (alpha) GRAB data From Table2 w/WHERE PARAMTERS

HOLD3 (alpha) Contents of HOLD1 MOREd with HOLD3

HOLD4 (focus) Aggregate HOLD3

Now I can create a Report, Chart etc off HOLD FILE 4.

If the DEFAULTS are commented out it runs fine, whether right click run or run from GUI. I must specify values of course at run time.

If the DEFAULTS are commented out, when in the GUI, it prompts me for values as move from Report to Report annoying. As long as I put them in I can navigate/update/run.


If the DEFAULTS are not commented out when I right click the fex and run it says WebFocus Error.

If the DEFAULTS are not commented out when I open the procedure I get an UNBALANCED PARENTHESE ERROR but I can find no such thing.

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Hi Robert

Just wondered if you got to do a remote with IBI today or Friday

Curious about how this is going for you. It feels like something that will be simple when you do find the problem.

A suggestion or two.

I think Id forgo the Graph right now and just make sure you can do a TABLE FILE HOLD4 and see your data. Taking out the graph just simplifies how many moving parts there are.

Also it seems like your request might be good to use MATCH on instead of MORE. This doesnt really matter as far as making your request run, but it sounds like it might be a good fit.






WHERE parmeters







WHERE parameters









Or something like that. Again, this doesnt get you around the problem youve reported, Just passing it along to save an extra pass at the data.

Wish we were able to see your code. Let us know if you got to talk with them.



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What if you change these:











FOC_NONE makes the entire line of FOCUS code containing that variable to be ignored, while _FOC_NULL does something different I forgot what, I never use that one.

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I thikn I have the correct quotes but I know what you mean. What seems to cause the error, and I am working w/IBIit seems if you have a table, do a join, use one of the JOINED columns in a WHERE multiselect to make a HOLD file. It seems you are fine. If, in the same procedure you then try to refernce that HOLD file (alpha or FOCUS) thats when the trouble begins. It might runor not. UNBALANCED parenthesis appearetc etcI will followup when I know more.
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use one of the JOINED columns in a WHERE multiselect to make a HOLD file



Hi Robert -this is news. Sounds like you are using a WHERE test that is a multiselect.

This may be a good clue to follow up on.

Try a couple of things:

.QUOTEDSTRING if your data might contain a quote inside a field value.

Or - try to get a listing of what WebFOCUS is sending to the reporting server to be executed by adding this code right before your TABLE FILE request:



(Notice the &ECHO has a -SET and the other is a plain SET for record retrieval).

When you run your code, the & variables will be filled in with values and you can see what WebFOCUS sees.

At that point, you might be able to see your unbalanced parentheses that WF is talking about.

You can read up on _FOC_NULL and FOC_NONE and .QUOTEDSTRING in the Developing Reporting Applications manual.

Good luck!

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