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I have two myibi internal messages. For each, when I enter a...

David Briars

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Here is the reply from the vendor

Lets start by doing some web browser troubleshooting to try to resolve this issue:


Try logging in and out of the program.

Log in through an incognito window with Chrome, Safari or Firefox.

Try using a different browser (our program is best supported in Google Chrome).

Clear your cookies. Heres how: No more cookie crumbs!


Clear your cache. Heres how: Clear that cache!



Please let me know if the issue persists after trying the above steps, and we will continue to investigate.

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Since none of the web browser troubleshooting helped, we need to gather some more information to investigate further.

Could we please have the advocate send us a screenshot of the console using Chrome so we can investigate further.



While on the page displaying the issue, right click on your mouse.



Click Inspect Element.



Click on the Console tab.



Take a screenshot of the whole screen.



Heres how: A Video.



Send it to me at chuck_wolff@ibi.com

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am just curious if anyone else is seeing this problem. It happens when David is trying to message someone (See below). The influitive engineers are looking into the problem but I havent heard back from them yet.


image.png2595312 62.8 KB


The Send button does not get activated after typing a message


image.png913401 22.6 KB

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