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John Lewis

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  1. As a followup to the previous posts on this topic, I have not been able to find a solution for the blank line issue. My customer says it is acceptable as is, so I will not pursue this any further.
  2. The help is where I saw the information regarding the setting, but I do not see it in Designer. I did not find any picture of where the Show Border checkbox is located, but the help mentions the General or Columns options. I have attached a couple of screenshots to illustrate what I see on each of those options. I am using the Grid format for my report.
  3. I am still researching the blank line issue, but am running into another issue with my research. I would like to use WF Designer to create borders, but am unable to find the functionality to do that. The documentation refers to a 'Show Border' checkbox in the Format -> General (or Columns) location in Designer, but I see no such checkbox there. Any idea on why I am not able to access the border functionality in Designer?
  4. David, You have it exactly right. My procedure uses an included stylesheet that contains several BORDER attributes, which is why it had a blank line originally. I did notice in testing that by simply adding the BORDER attribute, even if it is OFF, the blank line is generated. My requirements include use of borders on the report - if I use the BORDER attribute, is there a way to keep that blank line from generating? If not, I will investigate using HTML5 javascript code in the stylesheet to paint the borders. Patrick - David's CAR file code illustrates the issue perfectly. I will update this post with my findings when I have done some more testing.
  5. I did just add the BORDER attribute to the report, but the blank line was there before I added it.
  6. When I create an Excel spreadsheet from WebFOCUS with headings, there is a blank line that appears after the heading lines and before the report content. I know this has been a long-standing issue, but I am wondering if there has been any capability added recently in WebFOCUS to keep that blank line from report. Or, what solutions are available to produce the report without the blank line in the heading? Thanks! John
  7. If you are using the App Studio GUI, you could take a look at the App Studio User's Guide. Look for the section titled 'Creating Drill-Down Hyperlinks Using the Drill Down Command'. If you are hand coding, another method besides Erin's is to use style sheet syntax: TYPE=type, [subtype], URL=url[(parameters ...)], [TARGET=frame,] [ALT = 'description',] $ You can refer to a report column in the URL component if the URL is dynamic based on report data. You can find more information on this in the Creating Reports with WebFOCUS Language manual.
  8. If you have a database connection to your WebFOCUS repository, there is a table named UOA_USERS that you can create a synonym for and query to get user information including their last login date and time. It also holds the status of the user (active/inactive) that you should be able to change to disable an account.
  9. I agree with Patrick - the search filter is different based on the repository database. This is because repository content is stored in BLOBs, and a simple WHERE statement does not work. Each database seems to have different ways to search BLOB content. The WHERE is the key to searching for specific values in the repository. I have been able to implement search with SQL Server and Postgres, but I was not able to find a way to do it with Derby. SQL Server: where cast(cast(t1.BCONTENT as varbinary(max)) as varchar(max)) like '%sum%' Postgres: where upper(encode(BCONTENT, 'escape')) like '%sum%' What is your repository database?
  10. I am building an HTML page using HTML Composer in App Studio. One of the elements I am creating is a multi-select dropdown. When I run the page and click on the dropdown, I get a little window with checkboxes next to all the values in the dropdown, enabling me to check any values I want to see in the report. This little window only shows 6 values by default, although there is a scroll bar and I can resize this window as needed. My question is - is there a way for me to control the size of the little window? I'd like it to be longer to show more values when clicking on the dropdown. I have attached a screenshot of the HTML page with the dropdown window I am talking about. I am on WebFOCUS v9.2.3. Thanks!
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