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Charles Morris 2

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  1. or just try ON TABLE HOLD AS foccache/TABLE1 I believe the APP command is APP HOLD foccache, no SET not sure if SQL_Script files need to be FILEDEFd or not, dont normally use them
  2. It would not surprise me that the HOLD files from TABLE1 and TABLE2 are being created in one tempspace and the HOLD file from the uploaded data is being created in a different tempspace. Have you tried forcing all of the HOLD files into someplace like foccache The error is suggesting different subsystems for the files which isnt always a gamekiller but will definitely make it inefficient
  3. hey, Toby! Yes, technically if you want to restart at the top of the file you would need a -CLOSE - the -READ NOCLOSE was more built to do within a loop to just keep reading and then CLOSE at the end of the process but with all the other activities in your example I would think it gets lost
  4. similar to what we used to do yrs ago in old FOCUS with CRTFORM screens for all you old-timers
  5. I would think you could do this with some Javascript to make additional rows visible if something is clicked - youd probably have to increment the row index
  6. I suspect you somehow selected the Dont Show this Message again checkbox which is why you dont see it - its in some settings file but not sure where and thats where youd have to reset it
  7. or do an ON TABLE SAVE - It should give you a similar output of all fields in the TABLE FILE
  8. I believe the output format should be HTMTABLE, not just HTML - it may work that way but thats not the documented process. Not sure what youre trying to do in the HTML page - can you just include the report fex in a frame If not, wed need more info or an example to reply better. Theres no good way to include the !IBI values in the GUI that I can recall
  9. does it strike anyone else that it seems like there are way more issues/hotfixes/hotfixes for hotfixes being released in the last year than previously Im not sure how anyone supporting a production environment even keeps up with it. Wonder what happened to QA
  10. If you dont scramble the data as it is loaded to Dev, the raw unscrambled data will still be available to anyone who has edit access to the MFD - sample data or data profiling. Even if the fields are hidden so they dont display in reporting tools and only the DEFINES are exposed, a reasonably clever developer could get to the raw data
  11. If I recall correctly, DATEADD doesnt always work correctly with Dialogue Mgr, even if you change the date to internal format
  12. yes, youre also missing a verb in your TABLE FILE SQLOUT, but it doesnt surprise me that WITH in SQLMSS doesnt behave as expected
  13. You might be able to do this with Active Technologies, e.g. an Active Chart drilling to another. Technically, all the data is already there in the email
  14. I am (not so patiently) waiting for the same functionality to be incorporated in Developer - almost all of my former clients for many yrs used external procedures to populate controls, so this is desperately needed
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