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Anthony Cool

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Everything posted by Anthony Cool

  1. Hi all, Happy to see a brand new forums site to ask and answer questions in. Hope to see this one take, to help where I can, and to get help too! It's been a while! Regards, The OG, CoolGuy (IYKYK)
  2. Thanks Chuck, I found the solution I needed a different way actually, but Ill keep that in mind. Thank you. See: image.png1267343 19.9 KB
  3. Hi all, Long time, no discussion. Does anyone know if it is possible to pass in values to a dynamic distribution list set as the source for 1 or more scheduled tasks to distribute to in an RC job schedule The idea would be to pass in values that could swap what the distribution list is filtered on in 1 or more of its WHERE clauses. Any help or insights is greatly appreciated. Regards, CoolGuy v8.2.02M
  4. Hi all, So, were on 8.2.02M, and have a portal that has several tabs in it for users to navigate through. Is there a way to grab a link to a specific tab in the portal that will always land the user on that tab if navigated to I need one to add to an a tags href attribute in an external app Ive built. I know that the portal designer lets you choose to have the user either end up on the last page they navigated to last, or a default page set globally for all users viewing the portal, but I need an actual URL that will send users to a specific tab of the portal. How do I go about getting this URL Thanks all, CoolGuy
  5. Okay, yeah I saw several in the dev tools but nothing pointing to the tab itself that I could make out first glance. I will keep digging around. Thanks for the response!
  6. Good luck. And if you can do it w/o growing bitter towards the product, you are a better person than I was lol I did a migration from 7.6.11 to; then to 8.1.05, then to the M variant, then to 8202, then to the M variant of that. Weve been on that version ever since Cuz we give up. LOL
  7. And can we get rid of the massive empty gutter space on the left and right of the content Thatd be nice.
  8. Oh I agree. The site is near perfect. Needs some bugs ironed out with the Challenges feature, and the following value for max-width changed to something like below and its gold. Fixing white space similarly in other places where its excessive.
  9. So far I like the new forums. Love No. Why So far, the MASSIVE blank gutter space to the left and right of the content Hopefully, and thus far, the rest of the site looks promising though. Nice work!
  10. Hello all. Im Anthony C. also known on FocalPoint as CoolGuy. Currently have 8202M at our site and are debating on if well ever upgrade. Started with the product in 2015 and have moved to .NET development building mobile and web apps with Xamarin.Forms and Blazor frameworks. I will still be chiming in to help here from time to time and throw a bit of my timeless sass into convos. With love, your CoolGuy.
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