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I am creating a chart in Info Assist ( using the Ve...

Todd Van Valkenburg

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I am creating a chart in Info Assist ( using the Vertical Dual-Axis Clustered Bars chart. This chart has bars and a line graph that share the same color scheme. I only need to display one legend for one of the y axis. The other legend is not needed. So far, in my testing using IA, it appears to be an all or nothing approach (both display or both do not display). Is there a way to turn one of the y axis legend off

Thank you!

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Im not sure if this is what you are after, but in the More Legend Options you can change the Legend Series Start option from 0 to 1 which will exclude the first series label. Utilizing the Reverse Legend Order may also need to be utilized based on how you are using your measures.


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Hi Todd

I dont do much with charts anymore - mostly admin things. But- your question and @rob.fosnaughs answer made me curious.

So I looked around at the docs to find an example Legend Series Start.

It pops up in a search going back to 8.0.07 and as recently as 8105m. then I cant find anything up to 8204.

Its still in the Charting manual (LegendSeriesStart) so you should be able to type in that part yourself, but I dont see it in the InfoAssist docs starting in 8201.

This might be a good question for IBI techsupport. Just wondering what changed starting in 8201 about InfoAssist that this property seems to have disappeared from the GUI. Perhaps - I wondered - perhaps IA switched over to HTML5 instead of using the old API that IBI used called Perspective for Java

In another HTML5 product I ran across, show in Legend was an option you might choose with series properties.

Anyway - its a mystery to me as to where this option went - and even more so, why does Rob still see it in 8203

Let us know if you guys decide to dig into this more with techsupport.



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