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Deep Dive into Trading Partner Manager (TPM) 9.1 Export-Import

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Export-Import in Trading Partner Manager (TPM) 9.1


Being able to export and import data from one system to another is a feature that each modern data system should be able to provide in order to support automation of certain processes like CI/CD.

In versions prior to 9.1 TPM provided an export-import feature allowing the export/import of a partner along with its connected routes and partners. This approach covered a specific case thus being limited in scope, hence the need of a more generic and comprehensive export/import mechanism.

TPM 9.1 import/export is redesigned along new guidelines:

  1. allow for granular exports/imports:
    • Granularity is important especially in situations where you want to control smaller sets of data all the way down to the last entity (a partner/route/system etc. only with its own properties and the associated metadata).
    • Splitting the exports and imports in smaller sets gives more control over what is exported and imported. In this sense such approach creates the premises for composite exports/imports where any data structure can be exported an imported.
  2. potential to accept very large data sets to adapt to situations where database needs to be initialized with a pre-existing set of data, or simply to transfer a large set of data from one system to another.
  3. import entity child sets merges and/or synchronizations.
    • merging data structures is one of the basic functionalities an import should satisfy. In this sense when importing a partner for instance, you want to have in your target database all the properties of the target partner be similar with the imported partner, including the metadata associated with the specific instance. With regards to entity/domain properties the import works like PUT, where the direct and metadata properties of the target entity are synchronized with the ones belonging to the imported entity. However, if a TPM entity has children (eq a Partner has multiple PartnerSystems), then if a new child is imported this is going to be created in the target TPM, and any existing child properties are synchronized with the corresponding imported child. If a child in the target system does not have a correspondent in the imported set, then this is kept as is.
    • synchronization refers to situations where you want the list of children in the target database to be similar to the one in the import set. For instance, if a Partner has a PartnerSystem that is not in the import set, then this PartnerSystem along with its children is removed. However, this removal will not occur if this if this Partner System is already referenced directly or indirectly by other entities in the system (a PartnerSystem can be referenced via PartnerSystemMessage and a BusinessChannel by an advanced BusinessRoute). Note that this feature is not enabled by default since it can lead to data removal.
  4. improved performance
  5. enable export/import for all entities of interest in TPM. TPM 9.1 covers all entities used in the system except basic routes and associated children which will be introduced in 9.2. For a complete list please read farther.

Exports and imports are grouped in two large categories: elementary and complex (or composite). This article talks about the elementary/domain exports.

Export/Import Domains (or Areas)

The TPM data structure is split in functional export/import domain (or areas) depicted in the following diagram where each dotted border represents such domain/area:


An import/export domain contains either terminal entities, parent entities or parent with child entities.

Thus, for example, a Partner can be optionally exported without its dependent children (as a standalone entity), or along with all its dependent children. The dependent entities are all entities in the same dotted rectangle with Partner: Contact, Partner System, Partner System Messages and BusinessChannel.

An import/export domain can have subdomains. For instance, Partner has the following direct subdomains: Contact and PartnerSystem. PartnerSystem has PartnerSystemMessages/BusinessChannels as direct subdomain.

In order to determine what entities need to be updated or created during import it is necessary to fully resolve the dependencies they rely on. For instance, a Partner System depends on a System by referencing the ID to the respective system. However, in the target database this system ID value might not exist, or if it does, it likely points to another system. In order to resolve this situation, when exporting a certain entity, all direct dependencies are also exported to be able to remap based on name during the import the source dependency ID to the real target dependency ID. This ID remapping is called dependency resolution.

As explained before, since the ID of an entity can be different in two different TPM systems, the proper mapping is realized using names: name-based resolution. For example, partner Foo in the source system can have the ID 12 and in the target system the ID 6. On import the target partner ID is determined based on the partner 's name. Therefore, if partner named Foo exists in the target system, then its ID will be used, else a new partner named Foo is created and a new ID is assigned to it. It is important to understand that the name of an entity (for named entities) is paramount in establishing the identity of the entity during the import. Hence, treating the name of the entity as immutable on both source and target system ensures the proper update of the target. Of course, scenarios where the name can change either on source or on target could also be valid, however you have to be aware of the consequences of the changes you make.

In the above diagram the dependencies can be determined by all outgoing arrows crossing the export dotted rectangle. Thus, Contact depends on Partner and DomainSubtype. As a consequence, when exporting contacts, you will also see in the export file the partners the contact belongs to and the domain subtype extending the exported contacts.

NOTE: exported dependency entities are only used for dependency verification and proper internal ID mapping. They do not contribute to any data changes.

Currently there are six major export/import domains:

  • DataType
  • DomainSubtype
    • MetaData
  • Partner
    • Contact
    • PartnerSystem
      • PartnerSystemMessages & BusinessChannels (are always exported together since there is no UI for business channels, and the identity of a PartnerSystemMessages cannot be uniquely established without the connected BusinessChannel)
  • Environment
    • System
  • Standard
    • CodeSubs
    • MessageFormat
      • MessageType
  • BusinessRoute
    • RouteContact
    • RouteCodeSubs

The BasicRoutes domain (not depicted in the diagram) along with BasicRouteContacts and BasicRouteCodeSubstitutions will be added in version 9.2.

Parent-Child Export/Import Modes

Currently there are two supported modes:

  • Export Parent Entities Without Children this mode enables import only for parent entity information:
    • direct properties synchronization
    • TpaValues synchronization (TpaValues pointing to the parent entity found in the target system but not in the import set will be removed from DB)
  • Export Parent Entities with children this mode exports the parent entity along with its child hierarchy. It enables on import:
    • parent and children direct property synchronization
    • parent and children TpaValues synchronization (TpaValues found in the target system but not in the import set will be removed from DB)
    • optionally allows child synchronization (DB children pointing to the parent which are not in the import set will be removed from DB)
    • optionally, on import, only the parent can by picked from the export set and imported into the target database.

Data Set Size Import/Export Mode

This mode controls how data is aggregated in the export file with regards to memory requirements. Currently two modes are supported: flat data (or streaming) mode and memory mode.

Flat Data Mode - Flatten Mode

By default, the export is designed in such a way as to scale by optionally flattening the entities in lists that can be streamed to files and thus scalable. In other words, all Partners (without children) will be in a list, the PartnerSystems (without children) in a separate list etc.

Memory Mode - Children Entities Generated Under the Parent Entities

In instances where TpaValue nodes/data need to be exported under the entity it extends (instead of a separate flat list), will limit the size of such exports due to the fact that the data is generated all in memory. Theoretically, even in these instances data can be generated to files thus allowing to some extent to increase the size of the exported data but with important sacrifices in terms of performance.

NOTE: currently TPM is only providing the memory mode, however it is equipped with the proper set of interfaces to be able to stream data to files (to scale to any import size), but no implementation for these interfaces is yet provided. This will be approached in a future release. At this stage the export will only generate the JSON object containing all exported data in memory. Upon import this is fully loaded in memory.
NOTE: Internally, after the data is normalized, both modes use the same code base for importing the data.

Parent-Child Import Synchronization Mode

By default, all imports merge the set of children that belong to a specific parent:

  1. a child is identified by name in both source and target database, then the target child properties and TpaValues are synchronized.
  2. a child is present in the source but not in the target, this will be created, and all its dependent children (direct or indirect) will be added.
  3. a child is found in the target database bout not in the source, it will be not touched.

The parent-child synchronization mode targets item 3 above. In this sense, on import an extra option to synchronize the children is provided as a way to remove all children from the target database that are not in the import set. This option is disabled by default because it leads to data removal, so enabling it should be done conscientiously. Therefore, an import that does not enable synchronization will result in a merger for the target with the source (imported) entities.

NOTE: if synchronization is enabled, and there are child entities that need to be removed from the database because are not in the import set, the removal of these children still depends on whether they are dependencies for other entities. For instance, if a Contact needs to be removed from a Partner because it is not in the imported set, but there is a Route Contact referencing it, the contact will not be removed. This can be possibly added as a feature in the future, although it would be quite dangerous since it leads to hidden dependency removals.

Export Mode Parameters

Domain exports can be logically split into to two groups:

  • entities with dependents (children)
  • terminal entities (entities without dependents)

In both situations the REST endpoint accepts:

  • a request object containing the entity selection criteria.
  • flattenMetadata parameter which if true (default) will generate data in flatten mode where all metadata is generated as a separate entry in the export file split in buckets that are keyed by DomainType and DomainCode. If this parameter is false, the metadata will be attached to the entity if belongs to.

For entities with dependents only, there is a third option includeDependents which dictates if the dependents (direct and indirect) are exported along with the parent. By default, this value is true.

The export file will contain the flags indicating what were the parameters used to generate it so on import these are used for import validation.

Export Request Object

For most of the export endpoints the JSON schema of the request object is the following:

  "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#",
  "title": "Generated schema for Root",
  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "ids": {
      "type": "array",
      "items": {
        "type": "number"
  "required": [

An example of such object is:

    "ids": [127, 137, 147, 157]

In some instances, the ids can either be empty or null. In such instances this will be assimilated with a request to return all objects of the specified entity. In a few situations, this can be null if another selection field which takes precedence is not null, and in these instances ids is ignored (even if populated).

NOTE in the future more the request objects could be more complex depending on use cases. However, any such complexity will ultimately result in the above list of IDs. This way, any extension of the selection criteria is easily achievable.

Objects where ids can be empty/null and considered to mean 'return all objects in the system'. Usually, these domains are quasi-static in the sense that they foundational blocks for defining Partners and Routes with their dependents:

  • ContactExportRequestDto
  • EnvironmentsExportRequestDto
  • MessageFormatExportRequestDto
  • MessageTypeExportRequestDto
  • StandardsExportRequestDto
  • TpaMetaDataExportRequestDto
  • TpmDataTypesExportRequestDto
  • TpmDomainSubTypesExportRequestDto

Objects whose ids can be null if another selection criteria field takes precedence:

  • BusinessRoutesExportRequestDto

         // ignored if fromToPartners is populated; if fromToPartners is null, then ids has to be populated
         "ids": [3,6,23],
         // takes precedence over ids if populated; can be null in which case ids should be populated
         "fromToPartners": [
                 // PartnerFrom name, or * if all partners are considered
                 "from": "[partnerName|*]",
                 // PartnerTo name, or * if all partners are considered
                 "to": "[partnerName|*]",
             // ,          
             // ...
  • PartnerSystemsExportRequestDto

         // ignored if partnerIDs is populated; if partnerIDs is null, then ids has to be populated
         "ids": [3,6,23],
         // list of partner IDs for which PartnerSystems are exported
         // takes precedence over ids if populated; can be null in which case ids should be populated
         "partnerIDs": [300, 765,1023]

macro?definition=e2FuY2hvcjpleHBvcnQtZmlsZS1zdHJ1Y3R1cmV9&locale=en_US&version=2Export File Structure

All exported files, regardless to the endpoint that generated them, have the following structure:

    // 1. Who generated the export 
    "@type": "PartnersImpExEnvelopeDto",
    // 2. Specifies if the TpaValue nodes are generated in the structure of the entities they extends
    "tpaValuesAreAttached": false,
    // 3. If the export specified 
    "childrenAreIncluded": true,
    // 4. exported entities or dependencies
    "partners": {
        // 5. serializer type (this one describes in-memory serialization)
        "@type": "EntityImpExInMemStreamDto",
        // 6. entity domain
        "domainType": "PARTNER",
        // 7. entities exported according to the selection critria
        "entities": [
                // 8. source entity ID
                "idPartner": 3,
                // 9. source entity name
                "name": "Partner 1",
                "domainSubTypeList": "1",
                "idParent": 0,
                "siteCode": "Partner1 Site Code",
                "buName": "Partner1 BU",
                "orgAddress1": "Partner1 Address1",
                "city": "city",
                "postCode": "22222",
                "state": "state",
                "country": "country"
                "idPartner": 6,
                "name": "Partner 2",
                "domainSubTypeList": "1",
                "idParent": 0,
                "siteCode": "Partner2 Site Code",
                "buName": "Partner2 BU",
                "orgAddress1": "Partner2 Address1",
                "city": "city",
                "postCode": "22222",
                "state": "state",
                "country": "country"
    "partnerSystems": {
        // 5. serializer type
        "@type": "EntityImpExInMemStreamDto",
        // 6. entity domain
        "domainType": "PARTNERSYSTEM",
        // 7. entities exported according to the selection critria
        "entities": [
                // 8. source entity ID
                "idPartnerSystem": 213,
                // 9. source entity name
                "name": "CB US1-Generic",
                "partnerIdPartner": 6,
                "partnerSystemIdSystem": 19,
                "domain": "US Internal",
                "domainSubTypeList": "3"
    // ...
    // 10. TpaValues to extend imported entities
    "tpaValues": {
        // 11. DomainType - contains all TpaValues associated with this domain type
        "PARTNER": {
            // 12. DomainCode - all TpaValues for this DomainType-DomainCode combination
            "SapSalesOrg": {
                // 5. serializer type 
                "@type": "TpaValueImpExInMemStreamDto",
                "domainType": "PARTNER",
                "domainCode": "SapSalesOrg",
                // 13. All TpaValues under DomainType-DomainCode
                "tpaValues": [
                        // 14. Entity ID this is associated with
                        "domainId": 3,
                        // 15. property value
                        "domainValue": "C1CA",
                        "domainSubtypeName": "default",
                        "inheritanceControl": "CanInheritAndEdit"
                        "domainId": 6,
                        "domainValue": "C1US",
                        "domainSubtypeName": "default",
                        "inheritanceControl": "CanInheritAndEdit"
            // 12. DomainCode - all TpaValues for this DomainType-DomainCode combination
            "Description": {
                // 5. serializer type 
                "@type": "TpaValueImpExInMemStreamDto",
                "domainType": "PARTNER",
                "domainCode": "Description",
                // 13. All TpaValues under DomainType-DomainCode
                "tpaValues": [
                        // 14. Entity ID this is associated with
                        "domainId": 3,
                        // 15. property value
                        "domainValue": "Sears Canada Smart Non, or other",
                        "domainSubtypeName": "default",
                        "inheritanceControl": "CanInheritAndEdit"
                        "domainId": 6,
                        "domainValue": "Ulta - Adidas brand house 10001; CVS 360",
                        "domainSubtypeName": "default",
                        "inheritanceControl": "CanInheritAndEdit"
        // 11. DomainType - contains all TpaValues associated with this domain type
            // 12. DomainCode - all TpaValues for this DomainType-DomainCode combination
            "ISA12_VersionID": {
                // 5. serializer type
                "@type": "TpaValueImpExInMemStreamDto",
                "domainType": "BUSINESSCHANNEL",
                "domainCode": "ISA12_VersionID",
                "tpaValues": [
                        // 14. Entity ID this is associated with
                        "domainId": 809,
                        // 15. property value
                        "domainValue": "y",
                        "domainSubtypeName": "default",
                        "inheritanceControl": "CanInheritAndEdit"
    // 16. Mappings used to pre-validate the import
    "mappings": {
        // 17. standrads required by the import
        "standardNames": [
        // 18. metadata codes grouped by domain types used by the import
        "metaDataCodes": {
            "PARTNER": [
            "BUSINESSCHANNEL": [
            "PARTNERSYSTEM": [
        // 19. domain subtypes grouped by domain types used by the import
        "domainSubtypeNames": {
            "SYSTEM": {
                "6": "default"
            "PARTNER": {
                "1": "default"
            "BUSINESSCHANNEL": {
                "4": "default"
            "PARTNERSYSTEM": {
                "3": "default"
            "CONTACT": {
                "2": "default"

In the above JSON each relevant entry is preceded by a commented line which is prefixed by a number referenced in the following table to provide more context.


Entry/Attribute Explanation Used for Validation Notes
(1) Who generated the export Marker of the identity of who generated this export. This is used to validate the import and issue an error if this file is used for an import which does not match the export. For instance, you cannot call import for a business route passing for a partner export. yes DO NOT CHANGE.

Changing can lead to disastrous consequences.

(2) tpaValuesAreAttached Specifies if the TpaValue nodes are generated as part of the structure of the entities they extend (true), or as a flat list with a backpointer to the entity they are associated to yes DO NOT CHANGE.

Changing can lead to disastrous consequences

(3) childrenAreIncluded true if during the export children were requested yes DO NOT CHANGE.

Changing can lead to disastrous consequences.

If changed from false to true and child synchronization is required, then all children can be removed from parents.

(4) exported entities/dependencies data structures containing the exported entities and the dependencies to support the import. Can be only one entry of a kind (cannot be two partner entries). The kind of entry is determined by the type of entity being exported no  
(5) serializer type Type of serializer used for the export. This dictates the farther structure of this object. Will have a different value for file serialization no DO NOT CHANGE
(6) entity domain Domain type describing the entity. Used by the deserializer. no DO NOT CHANGE
(7) list of exported entities List of exported entities for the specified domain type. This entry will be different for file serialization (not yet implemented) no  
(8) source entity ID ID of the exported source entity can be used for validation/resolution if this is a dependency DO NOT CHANGE
(9) source entity name Name of exported entity. Used to establish the identity of the target entity. In some instances the identity of the target entity cannot be solely established based on the name. no  
(10) associated TpaValues TpaValues associated with the exported entities. Note that no TpaValue is exported for the dependencies. This entry can miss when TpaValues flatten mode is off. no  
(11) DomainType On export, if the flatten mode is on, TpaValues are grouped by domain types and by domain code. This helps for faster imports. DomainType is the highest level of grouping for TpaValues. no  
(12) DomainCode Describes subgroups of TpaValues under the parent DomainType. no  
(13) TpaValues for DomainType-DomainCode All TpaValues for a DomainType-DomainCode combination no  
(14) Source entity ID TpaValue associates with Backpointer to the imported entity ID this TpaValue node is associated with no Import fails if this ID is not amongst the imported entities of the specified type
(15) Property value Value of the property set by this TpaValue no  
(16) Export Mappings Generated during the export and used to pre-validate the import and also to resolve dependencies. These values can be missing in which case they are picked up while the import is running. If this option is off it will make the import slower. yes - pre-validation  
(17) Required Standards Standards required by the imported objects yes - pre-validation  
(18) Metadata codes Used to pre-validate the imported TpaValues. Values are grouped by domain types. yes - pre-validation  
(19) Domain subtypes Referenced by extensible type entities. yes - pre-validation  

NOTE: when exporting Standards, MetaData and DomainSubtypes entries (17), (18) and/or (19) are not generated since they will show up in the exported objects section (4).

Export EndPoints

A typical export endpoint for parent entities will receive the following parameters:

  • a request object specifying what objects to export. Most of the request objects as of this writing contain a list of IDs. In some instances, the selection criteria can be narrower.
  • includeDependents - default true. This will cause all children to be exported.
  • flattenMetadata - default true. Enables/disables the TpaValue flatten mode.

If the endpoint addresses a leaf domain (no dependents/children) then the includeDependents is not part of the list of arguments.

Every export endpoint outputs an ImpExEnvelopeDto object of a type unique to the export, which extends the basic type EntitiesImpExEnvelopeDto having the structure described at Export File Structure.

Entity URL Request Object Type supports includeDependents Return Object Type
Partner /api/v1/partners/export/ids PartnersExportRequestDto yes PartnersImpExEnvelopeDto
PartnerSystem /api/v1/partners/system/export PartnerSystemsExportRequestDto yes PartnerSystemsImpExEnvelopeDto
PartnerSystemMessages /api/v1/partners/system/message/export PartnerSystemMessagesExportRequestDto no PartnerSystemMessagesImpExEnvelopeDto
Contacts /api/v1/partners/contact/export ContactExportRequestDto no ContactsImpExEnvelopeDto
BusinessRoute /api/v1/routes/export BusinessRoutesExportRequestDto yes BusinessRoutesImpExEnvelopeDto
BusinessRouteContact /api/v1/routes/contacts/export BusinessRouteContactsExportRequestDto no BusinessRouteContactsImpExEnvelopeDto
BusinessRouteCodeSubs /api/v1/routes/codesub/export BusinessRouteCodeSubsExportRequestDto no BusinessRouteCodeSubsImpExEnvelopeDto
Standards /api/v1/standard/export StandardsExportRequestDto yes StandardsImpExEnvelopeDto
CodeSubstitution /api/v1/standard/codesub/export CodeSubstitutionsExportRequestDto no CodeSubstitutionsImpExEnvelopeDto
MessageFormat /api/v1/messages/export MessageFormatExportRequestDto yes MessageFormatImpExEnvelopeDto
MessageType /api/v1/messages/type/export MessageTypeExportRequestDto no MessageTypeImpExEnvelopeDto
Environment /api/v1/environment/export EnvironmentsExportRequestDto yes EnvironmentsImpExEnvelopeDto
System /api/v1/systems/export SystemsExportRequestDto no SystemsImpExEnvelopeDto
TpmDomainSubType /api/v1/admin/metadata/subtype/export TpmDomainSubTypesExportRequestDto yes TpmDomainSubTypesImpExEnvelopeDto
TpaMetaData /api/v1/tpa/export TpaMetaDataExportRequestDto no TpaMetaDataImpExEnvelopeDto
TpmDataType /api/v1/metadata/datatype/export TpmDataTypesExportRequestDto no TpmDataTypesImpExEnvelopeDto

NOTE: some of the request objects mentioned above accept a null or empty ID list in which case all objects of that type in the system will be returned. This usually applies to quasi-static objects which can be considered part of the infrastructure: environment, system, metadata definition, standards and standard code substitutions.

Export Synopsis

Export synopsis is a feature meant to bring a quick overview of the objects being exported. In all synopsis endpoints will return a SynopsisImpExEnvelopeDto instance which is a map whose key is the name of the entity type and the mapping is a list of exported entity names.

In instances where the exported entity does not have a name, or the name is ambiguous without a context, a concatenation of attributes that might consitute a (synthetic) identity is returned instead. For instance for:

  • TpaMetaData a name could be [Subtype:ABC]-[Type:PARTNER]-[Value:ABC1]
  • TpmDomainSubtype the name is ExternalPartner [Type: PARTNER] - subtype name followed by the domain type it belongs to.
  • CodeSubstitution the name is invoicetype [Code:380]->[Subst:PIE]-[StdFrom:UN/CEFACT]->[StdTo:OIOXML] - name followed by the substitution codes and standrads it subsitutes.
  • etc.

Export synopsis works similarly to regular exports with the following exceptions:

  • does not support flattenMetadata parameter.
  • does not output the names of the dependency entity object the exported entities depend on
  • always produce the same output object

NOTE synopsis objects are produced and entirely stored in memory therefore, like memory export mode, you have to be aware that it can create out-of-memory issues for large datasets.


Entity URL Request Object Type supports includeDependents
Partner /api/v1/partners/export/ids/synopsis PartnersExportRequestDto yes
PartnerSystem /api/v1/partners/system/export/synopsis PartnerSystemsExportRequestDto yes
PartnerSystemMessages /api/v1/partners/system/message/export/synopsis PartnerSystemMessagesExportRequestDto no
Contacts /api/v1/partners/contact/export/synopsis ContactExportRequestDto no
BusinessRoute /api/v1/routes/export/synopsis BusinessRoutesExportRequestDto yes
BusinessRouteContact /api/v1/routes/contacts/export/synopsis BusinessRouteContactsExportRequestDto no
BusinessRouteCodeSubs /api/v1/routes/codesub/export/synopsis BusinessRouteCodeSubsExportRequestDto no
Standards /api/v1/standard/export/synopsis StandardsExportRequestDto yes
CodeSubstitution /api/v1/standard/codesub/export/synopsis CodeSubstitutionsExportRequestDto no
MessageFormat /api/v1/messages/export/synopsis MessageFormatExportRequestDto yes
MessageType /api/v1/messages/type/export/synopsis MessageTypeExportRequestDto no
Environment /api/v1/environment/export/synopsis EnvironmentsExportRequestDto yes
System /api/v1/systems/export/synopsis SystemsExportRequestDto no
TpmDomainSubType /api/v1/admin/metadata/subtype/synopsis TpmDomainSubTypesExportRequestDto yes
TpaMetaData /api/v1/tpa/export/synopsis TpaMetaDataExportRequestDto no
TpmDataType /api/v1/metadata/datatype/export/synopsis TpmDataTypesExportRequestDto no

Import Endpoints

Currently for each entity there are two type of import endpoints:

  • one that accepts a JSON object. Usually the URL ends in import
  • one that accepts a multipart file content. Usually the URL ends in import/file

Each import endpoint accepts on input:

  • the type of objects that has been created by its counterpart export. For import/file this object is replaced by a multipart file whose content is validated against the expected objects type.
  • excludeDependents (defaults to false) that determines if children will be excluded from import (import only the parent entity). If in the export file the attribute childrenAreIncluded is false and excludeDependents is also false (we attempt to import children, but children were not exported), the import will fail.

    NOTE: this param is present only when importing entities with dependents/children

  • synchronizeChildren (default is false) will synchronize the children (for more see Parent Child Synchronization Mode). This option is ignored if excludeDependents is true.

    NOTE: this param is present only when importing entities with dependents/children


Entity URL Input Object Can Exclude Dependents?
Partner /api/v1/partners/import/ids PartnersImpExEnvelopeDto yes
Partner /api/v1/partners/import/ids/file MultipartFile yes
PartnerSystem /api/v1/partners/system/import PartnerSystemsImpExEnvelopeDto yes
PartnerSystem /api/v1/partners/system/import/file MultipartFile yes
PartnerSystemMessages /api/v1/partners/system/message/import PartnerSystemMessagesImpExEnvelopeDto no
PartnerSystemMessages /api/v1/partners/system/message/import/file MultipartFile no
Contacts /api/v1/partners/contact/import ContactsImpExEnvelopeDto no
Contacts /api/v1/partners/contact/import/file MultipartFile no
BusinessRoute /api/v1/routes/import BusinessRoutesImpExEnvelopeDto yes
BusinessRoute /api/v1/routes/import/file MultipartFile yes
BusinessRouteContact /api/v1/routes/contacts/import BusinessRouteContactsImpExEnvelopeDto no
BusinessRouteContact /api/v1/routes/contacts/import/file MultipartFile no
BusinessRouteCodeSubs /api/v1/routes/codesub/import BusinessRouteCodeSubsImpExEnvelopeDto no
BusinessRouteCodeSubs /api/v1/routes/codesub/import/file MultipartFile no
Standards /api/v1/standard/import StandardsImpExEnvelopeDto yes
Standards /api/v1/standard/import/file MultipartFile yes
CodeSubstitution /api/v1/standard/codesub/import CodeSubstitutionsImpExEnvelopeDto no
CodeSubstitution /api/v1/standard/codesub/import/file MultipartFile no
MessageFormat /api/v1/messages/import MessageFormatImpExEnvelopeDto yes
MessageFormat /api/v1/messages/import/file MultipartFile yes
MessageType /api/v1/messages/type/import MessageTypeImpExEnvelopeDto no
MessageType /api/v1/messages/type/import/file MultipartFile no
Environment /api/v1/environment/import EnvironmentsImpExEnvelopeDto yes
Environment /api/v1/environment/import/file MultipartFile yes
System /api/v1/systems/import SystemsImpExEnvelopeDto no
System /api/v1/systems/import/file MultipartFile no
TpmDomainSubType /api/v1/admin/metadata/subtype/import TpmDomainSubTypesImpExEnvelopeDto yes
TpmDomainSubType /api/v1/admin/metadata/subtype/import/file MultipartFile yes
TpaMetaData /api/v1/tpa/import TpaMetaDataImpExEnvelopeDto no
TpaMetaData /api/v1/tpa/import/file MultipartFile no
TpmDataType /api/v1/metadata/datatype/import TpmDataTypesImpExEnvelopeDto no
TpmDataType /api/v1/metadata/datatype/import/file MultipartFile no

More Info

More info on the structure of the request objects used in by the endpoints can be found on the swagger page at the URL path (relative to the TPM server URL): swagger-ui/index.html?urls.primaryName=default#/

Export/Import in the TPM Web UI

For exports the web interface currently supports only one entity exports (with or without the dependents). In this sense two menu items are added for each entry of a domain that has dependents in any of the domain tables:
- Export
- Export with Dependents


Selecting Export with Dependents will bring up the synopsis dialog for a quick preview of what is going to be exported:


Depending on the situation, the save will generate a file with a single top item. In the above example only one partner is going to be generated in the saved file. The file will also contain all direct and indirect children as well as dependencies that have to be resolved during the import.

Imports, form the UI perspective, are contextual operations. In this sense, import invocation form the Partner screen will require for import a file which was produced by exporting a partner. If the file is of a different type, then the import will fail with a message pointing out to this requirement.


Clicking import button for a domain that can have dependents will bring up the following dialog which allows to specify if the whole item including dependent should be imported, or just the item without any children:


At this point, in order to take advantage of all the features provided by export/import you may want to use the REST API.




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