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Twanette Jurd

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  1. Sounds very very promising indeed!
  2. We have installed WebFOCUS 9.3 on Windows. The default reporting server installation does not install Hyperstage, so we then ran the HS installation to install Hyperstage PG database. However, it seems that Hyperstage is no longer added as a WF Reporting Server "service" as it did previously. We opened a support case, and the response was that we should run the Hyperstage version of the Reporting Server install, and everything should be configured automatically in Reporting Server, but that doesn't appear to be true in WF 9.3. From what we can see, and as per the documentation, the Hyperstage PG database server is a separate installation. Which is fine. But, to start/stop it one runs "Hyperstage Server Start from Windows > Start > Hyperstage." The problem with this is that when the user logs off, Hyperstage Server stops - because it wasn't started as a service. Does anyone have Hyperstage PG DB Server running as a Windows service? And if you achieved that e.g. using a powershell script, do you have an example that you can share of how you achieved it. Holding thumbs and thank you in advance! 🙂
  3. Could you possibly link the button to a javascript function like history.back() or history.go(-1)
  4. Hi Erin, Your initial request was to "check a user's last login into the system and disable any user accounts that have not logged in for the past 90 days". A question: have you found the solution to disable any user accounts ?
  5. Hello, Just to confirm - from a licensing perspective - if a customer acquires iWay Service Manager, is TPM included with the license, or does it need to be licensed separately?
  6. Hi Brad, Could you post the equivalent code that you used to produce W2reg.
  7. Thanks @Paul Thompson
  8. Hello everyone/anyone, What is the current status of WebFOCUS online training and certification for customers?
  9. Hi Erin, If you have multiple "binary" files that have the same structure/format, then you could perhaps concatenate them with the FILEDEF command e.g. The following commands concatenate the three files. FILEDEF FILE1 DISK app1/file1.ftm FILEDEF FILE2 DISK app1/file2.ftm FILEDEF FILE3 DISK app1/file3.ftm FILEDEF FILE1 CONCAT FILE2 FILE3 The following procedure issues a request against the concatenated files. TABLE FILE FILE1 SUM COGS_US REVENUE_US BY STATE_PROV_NAME ON TABLE SET PAGE NOPAGE ON TABLE SET STYLE * GRID=OFF, SIZE=8,$ END Server Administration 241
  10. Hi Erin, What is the format of the data? e.g. XFOCUS file, fixed-format text file or RDBMS like MS SQL Server.
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