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Brad Gronli

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I have a program that works fine when run from one of our websites, to produce an individuals W4. I have been tasked with modifying a copy of this program to produce a .pdf of all W2s for a calendar year. I am having an issue with this new version, when run in batch. The following is a part of the HEADING section.

"<12 a <13 Employee's social security number <34 Payroll organization code <50 I
ntradepartment number"                                                          
"<15 <PRTY_ID <34 <ORG_PYRL_CD <55 <DEPT_INTR_ID </1"                           
"<2 b <3 Employer identification number (EIN) <34 1 <35 Wages, tips, other compe
nsation <50 2 <51 Federal income tax withheld"                                  
"<6 <EMPR_ID <34 <WAGE_FIT_AMTA <55 <WH_FIT_AMTA </1"                           
"<2 c <3 Employer's name, address, and ZIP code <34 3 <35 Social security wages 
<50 4 <51 Social sexurity tax withheld"                                         
"<34 <WAGE_SS_AMTA <55 <WH_SS_AMTA"                                             
"<4 <EMPR_NM"                                                                   
 -GOTO HEADEND;                                                                 

The first line prints out correctly, but the third line doe snot print anything after "compensation" and I just do not see why. Any help here would greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

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They are the same except that I limited the number of lines from the HEADING, to try and track down the issue. The main difference between the two is W2reg (WebFOCUS)is run from a website and the other is run from our mainframe (FOCUS) in batch.

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