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Assemble a visualization page with a link within a report in one container opening html content on another container in the visualization page

Erin Trotter
Go to solution Solved by Patrick Huebgen,

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Good morning,   

I am creating a visual page.  One of the visualizations that I'm adding to the page is a report that has a hyperlink in each record that brings us to html content (created within app studio).  I want to be able to click the link in the report and have the content that applies to that line of the report open in another panel on the same visual page.  Interactions doesn't seem to work (or I don't know how to make it work) because you open something by clicking the panel itself and not the specific line of the report in the panel.  Is there a way with Javascript to accomplish this?  I'm using WebFocus 9.1.1


Edited by Erin Trotter
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  • Erin Trotter changed the title to Assemble a visualization page with a link within a report in one container opening html content on another container in the visualization page

In my environment we have a welcome page tab, on the welcome page in a collaborative portal clicking on the hyperlink will drill/navigate to a tab/page in the portal.

To get the correct name for the portal page, navigate to the workspace root folder, inside the root folder there will be a hidden folder with the name of your <portal nameresources. If you have created multiple tabs with the same names or renamed tabs the original "<tab name>.page" is the page/tab that you want to use to navigate to in your function - this caused me some frustration. 

TYPE=DATA, COLUMN=N2, JAVASCRIPT=navigateToPage('Resources_Filtered'), $

Online references:


How to Use JavaScript to Navigate to a Portal Page


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