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Changes required in cloned server to configure it as standalone environment.

Bajr Prakash Singh
Go to solution Solved by Patrick Huebgen,

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9.1.1 is already installed in my WebFOCUS environment. With a separate repository database, I now want to put up a QA server with the same configuration as the current server. Should I proceed with the standard process of a fresh install, or is there a list of files that I would need to modify if I were to clone the current server to set up a new server to create a standalone environment? 

Any thoughts?

Thanks in Advance

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You can install an additional configuration and then migrate all settings.

To clone the config - you can clone your repository (using the repository tool or the database administration tool - depends on your database and preferences).

For the configuration you can manually cehcek the config on both systems or use a tool to compare and merge the config files (I usually use Winmerge - to merge those changes.

You need to do this for the config files in

  • WebFOCUS Client
  • WebFOCUS Server
  • Apache Tomcat

ReportCaster config is stored in repository - so cloning the repository will take care - but you need to change some settings to make sure they fit for the new system.

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