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Can I add a WF v8.28 tab to my portal that when clicked opens a document

robert fuschetto

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please elaborate on 'uploading to a folder'. We had been instructed to save our PowerPoint etc to a subfolder under baseapp...

(this all became an issue when we went MS Edge...portal page hyperlinks to Excel content ceased to work since data was stored on a share drive. . SharePoint is not really supported here, we cannot get web server space, our users go to a portal page with a big Download button, that calls the PowerPoint document from baseapp, that in turn has links to share drive content...its a kludgey mess!) I'd like to save them a click by having the PowerPoint open when the 'Excel Reports' tab is pressed.)

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hmmm...when we upgraded to 8207 2 years back..we were instructed to load to folders under baseapp..not sure thats what this doc describes or something similar. I do know Excel files did not work; either they were too large or the links did not work. PowerPoints seem fine. Mp4 video did not work as I recall. I will take a look at the doc.

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