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[SOLVED] How do you grant access to designer portal in 9.1.1

Erin Trotter
Go to solution Solved by Martin Yergeau,

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I have created a portal in designer 9.1.1 and I am trying to figure out how to grant access for others to view and add bookmarks. DomainBasicUser is not giving anyone permissions to see it. They just get an error message. I have verified that everything displayed in the portal is published.

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I have opened the access to EVERYONE to avoid having to add each user individually. It used to work in older versions. Not sure why it is not working this time. They can actually get to the portal but all of the reports and the parameters don't work. The content is based on hold files and I'm wondering if something special is needed because of that.

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Do you have profile that may restrict app path or define a different app path than yours ?

How does the Hold file created ?

Where are they stored ? In memory or physical path (folder) ?

File access is related to Reporting Server.

So if several profile or app path exist, the problem may be there

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By default, hold files are stored in the app folder called foccache. Foccache is always accessible to the user running the report because WebFOCUS creates one for each user so each user's hold files are kept separate. Maybe the hold file is going to a regular app folder, which may actually lead to other problems.

If you see in the report code APP HOLD appfolder that would be one indication of hold file being created on a regular app folder.

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