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Can we remove 'share' option from 'My Content' folder?

Bajr Prakash Singh
Go to solution Solved by Jeff Waid,

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We have requirement where we need to give some client users access to the "share with" option for my content folder but not the "share" option. Since the "share with" option limits file sharing to the group the user has been added to, "share" option shares the file sharing to EVERYONE (all groups).

Has anyone worked/seen this kind of requirement before?

Thanks in advance.

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  • Solution

The share option can be removed from either an individual user or group of users at the workspace level by going into the security/rules dialog at the root level of the workspace.

image.png.87bf5ddcef392e16a349ed6d738dcd17.pngIn my example I am applying a rule change for a single user 'noshare' to deny access to the WF_Privilege_Share option.

image.png.c6f7998e09cbf78e1af4162a537f82f0.pngThe user now only has access to the 'share with' option for this workspace


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