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I have created a DEFINE that calls an Oracle function. I am...

Todd Van Valkenburg

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I have created a DEFINE that calls an Oracle function. I am getting an error


I am trying to figure out what this error means and how to resolve. I see that you can use DB_EXPR to call a sql in addition to SQL.function-name. I tried these two DEFINEs one at a time and placed them as BY statements:

test1/A1=SQL.f_is_peer_measurement_all_nulls ( OPERATOR, MEASUREMENT_CODE, PEER_GRP ,YEAR );


The main data source for the report is a BINARY hold table. The Oracle user that connects to the DB has execute access to this function (I can sign on as that user and select from that function). The function returns a T or F. The input parameters are fields in the hold table (not defines).

Any suggestions on troubleshooting something like this


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Hi Todd. I think the problem may be the HOLD file. From the doc, the source file must have a relational suffix for DB_EXPR:

Reference: Usage Notes for the DB_EXPR Function


The expression must return a single value.

Any request that includes one or more DB_EXPR functions must be for a synonym that has a relational SUFFIX.

Field references in the native SQL expression must be within the current synonym context.

The native SQL expression must be coded inline. SQL read from a file is not supported.

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