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Im just about to read the release notes on this. The only i...

Toby Mills

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Im just about to read the release notes on this.

The only issue Im hitting at the moment that would be nice to get around is that Excel XLSX output sometimes arrives corrupted. Ive got some other problems with Clustered reporting servers and running old code, but theyre manageable.

Ive heard rumors of a new release but Im not close enough to the company anymore to know if they mean a new major release (like an 8208) or if they meant this round of patching.

Heres the link in case anybody wants to check it out.

TIBCO WebFOCUS 8207.28.0 HF-008 is available

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Hello Toby,

On those XLSX files corrupting. Are they compound try removing all the references to KEEPDEFINES. (it can be a SET or it can be an ON TABLE SET, or just make sure all the keepdefines are OFF)

I heard the next release is going to have a name like release 11. Something about container based. But I know nothing else. Not really being chatted up.

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Thanks John

I have one domain where xlsxs are coming down okay and one where its not. Likely, it really has nothing to do with the Domain and more to do with whats being shoved inside the worksheet.

Im also seeing some differences if a report tries to -INCLUDE a stylesheet on my CLM managed WFRSs. Somebody used explicit IBFS:/EDA/EDASERVE to point to the .sty sheet and my new CLM node name is MAIN_CLM - not EDASERVE (EDASERVE is still local to the client).

Anyway - its always something. Ill keep my eye out for KEEPDEFINES. Thanks for the heads up!

Hope all is well up there!


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@warren.hinchliffe Have you guys heard anything new about the release I presume TIBCOs next step is to try to start integrating their other products. Im not sure I want to start down that road just yet.

@mike.long Everytime I do an upgrade, I use Beyond Compare to check the new files under /webfocus82 with the backups created under /webfocus82/backup_files to see what all is different. Mentioning this in case it might save you from reverting the whole thing in the future.

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