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Schedule uses Access List to distribute reports in Library and sends an email to Users in the Access List with the url of the Reports

Thats how it works in 8.1.5 but in 8.2.7 Getting error message

|Error sending brief notification to test report : Failed to send because recipient email address was null.|

Schedule runs the report but at the end shows this error message in Log file

I checked the user profile and it has the email addresses

running out of options to check , wondering if someone had this issue here



Yes That is the notification email for the schedule ran or error or Success. I get that email

But on the Distribution tab We have it distribute to Library and we use Access List. In the Options section we have it setup to send the users email with the url of the report in the Library This email is not going out





|Error sending brief notification to test report :



The error that youve shared was regarding the notification not the distribution.

Have you tried to change the distribution and just send to you without Access List just to confirn that at least the report can be distributed

Then try adding the access list instead


Yu are correct that message was for notification emails

Yes I have sent using Email report it sends the report via email BUT what I have discovered is that some of the users (in our Dev Group) email address are coming blank even if I put the email address , it disappears after a while So when I use a access list it does not recognizes the email as it is null I do see emails for all other users but dont want to send them test reports we are using OPSYS as Primary Security with LDAP as secondary this is how we have in 8.1.5M and I kept the same in 8.2.7 I can see the email addresses are in 8.1.5 User Security Box but NOT in 8.2.7. another issue to resolve



Hi Naeem

You know that little checkbox that says to syncronize user information in the External Security section It is supposed to update their emails with whatever external provider youre using.

Maybe check between your 8105m and 8207 to see if its set the same


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Thanks Toby Yes I have that Clicked but only for few users I am missing the email address I checked with our Active Directory group they have the email address for those users I am having issue with

Ok I unchecked that and now the email address stays but I ran the test job using access list still did not get the email out with the library url I even created a new test user with my email address but I keep getting this error

I dont recall where is this box in 8.1.5m admin

messages from log

Option enabled: Distribution to Library limited to values in Access List.

Value: 000002 distributed to ReportLibrary (L746616f4l9d8cl45aela76al552b6606ec65) with the group id L7e491343d7da7cea0ddbc614025011d2 at the version 1

Library access option Shared according to Library Access List is applied.

Value: 000011 distributed to ReportLibrary (L6a50a6bal00eal4b6dl9d58lf56f3f4630d3) with the group id Lae8688a31c93d7653f88d7e62fadfb17 at the version 1

Library access option Shared according to Library Access List is applied.

Value: 000015 distributed to ReportLibrary (Lfb5425f5l4490l48b6l98e2l2f3f0a63bf09) with the group id L8700aef001855bc551f3988a3aa3eb71 at the version 1

Library access option Shared according to Library Access List is applied.

Unable to retrieve email addresses for library users

Distribution finished.

Job finished at 2021-11-04 17:02:37.222-0500 (1,636,063,357,222)

Job time on distribution server after the report completed was 1.078 seconds

Total running time was 106.462 seconds

Total elapsed time (including the queue time) was 106.462 seconds

Brief notification successfully sent to xxxxx@xxx.xx.

Error sending log report notification to nxxxx.xxx@xxxx.xxx full: Failed to send because recipient email address was null.





Error sending log report notification to nxxxx.xxx@xxxx.xxx full: Failed to send because recipient email address was null.




One has to wonder - if you see the email address in security center, but the caster job seems to not know what their email address is, where is caster looking

There are a couple of ways to come after this. You could turn on the traces in both 8105m and 8207 and see how they are giving you different results.

Another thought is to just look for any place that might have email info that could override or ignore Security Center.

Besides traces, we might also look at settings for email inside Caster Config - eariler, you said you use LDAP as a secondary security provider and unchecking the syncronize box made it so your users email was kept safe from being overwritten by LDAP when the user logged on. I think that tells us LDAP doesnt know this users Email.

There is an area in Caster configuration that might be worth a quick look. Ive never used this part that I can recall, but you can tell Caster how to use LDAP to do email.


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You can see this in your dserver.xmls if you look in there:


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I see where you might control have some control over Email in the Caster config also up here:


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I dont know that either of these things has anything do to with your issues though.

The traces would help I think. And youll need to get one anyway if you open a case with techsupport.

If youre own review of your traces doesnt tip you off as to whats different, Its time to round up as simple of a reproduction of your problem as you can get and collect traces / savediag and open a case.

Let us know what you decide to do. Sorry Im not more solid on Caster / Library. It was an area that I only dealt with occasionally while at IBI.

I will tell you that there are also more detailed tracing options you can enable under CasterConfiglog4j.xml, but this isnt something Id suggest bothering with unless Support tells you theyd like to see it. The things that I know of in there are more like can Caster find the JDBC driver to read schedule data (internally this is jlink) or can the reporting server successfully send the output back to Caster (internally we might say ngxx). These arent really your core problems - your problem is more about the delivery end after all the processing is done. Im just hoping when you turn on normal traces, youll see something about how Caster is thinking when it tries to look up the email to distribute to.

Ill be curious to hear how its going.


Thanks Toby for detail information

Here is what I did

Email disappearing from user security was fixed by removing the tick from Synchronize User Information , so it leaves the email info

Then I created test schedules and used the test access list and email do go out with the library report url

But did not work for our schedules that were created in 8.1.5 env and migrated to 8.2.7

Our process of running the schedules is little different

we kick process via Launch page --> FEX-> Python driven EXE file that initiates the schedule

this process uses our service User ID account (password does not expire)

so after doing several tests using my ID to create schedule s I thought these schedules were created back in 2018 and now I am running these in 8.2.7 env I had checked security for the Service account and that user ID had access to the schedule and access list but the schedule was not getting run

so I logged on with that Service ID and recreated the schedule checked the effective Policy most of the privileges were permitted (in the 8.1.5 created schedule I would see several that had Denied)

I published the new Schedule and logon to my ID and started the process from the Launch Page and this time it worked! just to be sure I recreated the schedule again using service ID and everything works I replicated this for the other schedules we have and these work

Python Procedure is using that Service ID to login using API and run the start the schedule

I think its the ID that we are using and the new 8.2.7 environment were not working with old 8.1.5 Schedule

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