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When a job is run from the data migrator, is there a way to ...

Ben Maxwell

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DataMIgrator creates a FOCUS database called ETLSTATS that you can create a procedure (fex) against. There are two fields of interest to you S_REQ_NAME which is the data flow name and STAT_END_T which is a date time stamp of when it completed. You will have to copy the etlstats.mas file from the ibisrv82homecatalog directory to one of your app folders in order to access the etlstats focus database.

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Maybe you are looking for something like this. Create a set_completion_time.fex.




- &Completion_Time SAVE baseapp/completion_time.fex



Whenever your job is complete, call the set_completion_time.fex. It will create a fex that is something like:




-SET &Completion_Time = '2021/09/10 15:31:48.524';



Now your dashboard just needs to call the baseapp/completion_time.fex to get the &Completion_Time variable set to the time you want to display.

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When a job is run from the data migrator, is there a way to capture the time stamp by writing a WebFocus fex

i.e. We have a Lawson feed set to run overnight via the Data Migrator. Id love to post the completion time of this job on my dashboard so that the users would know the vintage of the data.

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