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I already have a case open regarding this and still adding a...

Martin Yergeau

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I already have a case open regarding this and still adding and adding issues.

I thought that you may want to know

I am migrating complex HTML pages from 8204 to 8207 with a lot a java script in it where I control the display, attributes and value of page controls/label/

I found that, in some cases, not all controls and not all checkboxes/radio button, but some of them sometime dont work and cant be controlled anymore with below commands:

1- control0.checked = true/false;

2- control0.disabled = true/false;

3- control0.focus();

4- if (control0.checked == true) {}

5- I have not yet found all the issue

Talking before 8207, let say that you have a (checkbox or radio) named DSP_VAL.

Then the control value(s) can referenced using DSP_VAL0, DSP_VAL1,

I have been told"

There was an internal change to HTML pages where checkboxes and radio buttons no longer use a number to identify each individual box/button. In the past, individual radio buttons within a single control (radio1) could be referenced by radio1_0, radio1_1, and so on. Any JavaScript code that depended on that syntax being used needs to be updated/modified, because it will no longer work properly.

Then told

The modifications you have already made are the correct, to use IbComposer_getCurrentSelection(DSP_VAL) instead.

But doing the above needs to change several places.

Also been told to use IbComposer_setCurrentSelection(DSP_VAL, condition1, true/false) to assign/activate a value. But also not always working.

Sometime doing IbComposer_getComponentById(DSP_VAL).checked = true;

does work, but not all the time.

Even IbComposer_showHtmlElement(DSP_VAL, 1); not always work

I have tons of controls all defined the same way (HTML pages mostly built from a template) but some controls fails to work as expected under 8207 and some are ok.

Even worst, the same defined control in one HTML page react the way it should but fails to do the same in another pages

So, if you have a lot of java script within your HTML pages, test it back deeply.

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Case closed !

I have received the final answer that refer to documentation (Using JavaScript Code with HTML Canvas Pages, page 567) :

Although the HTML canvas is fully integrated with JavaScript, it is suggested that you do not create custom JavaScript that manipulates the HTML canvas generated controls, as WebFOCUS cannot support such custom JavaScript code. Additionally, there is no guarantee that the JavaScript code will work correctly in future releases.

In other words: If you code java script into the canvas we do not guarantee that it will work as expected and its not our responsibility"

Sad, but thats it

Even some IbComposer pre-built function (such as IbComposer_showHtmlElement(myCtrlName, 1); ) not anymore working as expected

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